Panda Cory question


New Member
Aug 17, 2003
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If I have two black skirt tetra and four harlequin rasbora in 10g tank. Do you think there is room for two panda cory?

Do panda require sand at the bottom? My tank has gravel. The gravel is about 5mm wide. Would these gravel be small enough for Panda cory to move around?

Does panda cory grow bigger than pepper cory?

How do I feed Panda Cory without my other fish taking the food on the way down to the bottom?

Ok....Firstly there will be room. Female pandas are bigger than males u should get a pair. SEccondly Just feed them some extra food so they get some. Also they are nocturanl and mainly feed at night.
Gravel IMO is too large. Panda Corys tend to max out at 2", a wee bit smaller than the more commonly available Peppered & Bronze etc. Fine 2mm gravel or sand is much better because there is less chance of barble damage. Feed them the odd catfish pellet (sparingly) in the evening and that, together with any other food they may scavenge at normal feeding time, will keep them going. :)
if you get the corys they are a schooling fish and they need to be at least three of them. Mine does fine with the gravel
I find that two is ok just as well...especially if its male/female. ;)
I think the number probably varies...originally I just had two peppered corys, but fell in love with a bronze, and got him. The other two seemed to perk up when I got the third, but they weren't miserable when it was just the two of them.

I have small gravel in my tank, but it's smooth, round gravel.
I just add half a cube of frozen food before lights out
I agree with baseball get the Sinking wafers they go nuts over them. Quite cheap on line but depends where your based.
Kossy said:
I just add half a cube of frozen food before lights out

:fish: Mine stay busy most of the day, I think it's because of the level of competition for food. I do this a couple of times a week with the frozen food though, because I also have a bichir that likes to prowl around in the dark. (even though this isn't actually all about me):fun:
I think i must have gotten oddball cories because they won't even touch those sinking pellets. They must have aquire a real taste for frozen brine shrimp. lol Mine always seem active too and never have trouble getting leftovers.
LOL! Then I suggest for you to let the little selfish fish starve to death until they're willing to touch them. You probably had them on a different diet or something, which could be the reason why they don't want to touch it at all...
lol, yeah they are spoiled. But I tried giving them those sinking pellets the first few days I had them.

Is it bad for them that they don't eat those sinking wafers?
dixaisy930 said:
Is it bad for them that they don't eat those sinking wafers?
:fish: Mine don't care for the wafers either. And since I've had some of them for over seven years now, I'd have to say that it can't be too bad for them that they don't go for the sinkers. :D

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