Out Of Your Fish What One Are You Most Attached To?

I would say the fish i'm most attached to are my 2 Festivums. I swear they are almost flawless :D :good:

My male bristlenose- such a handsome man, and a lovely dad too :wub:

Female guppies probably come second, always liked those girls (don't have much time for the men, though)
bumblebee goby - smallest fish in a big tank, yet he runs the place.

:lol: I love when I see little fish running tanks! Actually my aunt had a room mate who had a tank ( he wasn't all that fish intellegent going with Lfs info) anyways he got a little baby dwarf spotted puffer about the size of a finger nail and it ran the tank, even nipped at the angels that where quite big! eventually he gave it to my aunt and she got a tank for it on its own.
In my 20 gal I would have to say the blue drawf gourami. In the 55 gal its a hard choice the bala is really nice but the 2 angelfish will eat outta my hand....................
Has to be my orange mollie, really nice bright colour. really stands out.

He reminds me of me, always trying to sex up the females! He embarsses me though, he would win hands down in a who sleeps-a-round-a-lot competition!

He makes me laugh anyway.
probably my albino cory catfish
because i love the way he zooms around on the prowel...
and he was my frist freshwater fish..
and he's survived 4 cycles and alot of other disease where my fish have failed in
i love him<33
Those things look creepy!! is that your frog fish in your avitar?

It is indeed, though he has grown a lot recently:

My three baby yo-yo loaches, so full of personality and they get so excited at food time, zipping around and 'clicking'. I'm trying to get them to take Delica paste food from my hand, holding the sachet under the water, that would be so cool. And they play 'follow the leader' around the tank for hours on end.
My male bristlenose- such a handsome man, and a lovely dad too :wub:

Female guppies probably come second, always liked those girls (don't have much time for the men, though)

Your brisslenose can't be like mine then. I have two & I honestly believe that even if they were the only 2 fish in a barebottomed tank with no plants or ornaments they'd still be able to hide -_-

I haven't got 1 favorite, I like them all equally.
Probably Nessie, she was our first plec and she was a massive shock when I asked the lady to catch a tiny plec in the tank and she spooked Nessie and she shot out all black and spikey looking, all 7 inches of her big self!

I also have a definate soft spot for our black moor, she had an unfortunate experience once with my 3y/o son. We bought a breeding trap to float in the 6ft to protect an injured fish in and told Dylan it was for keeping one of the fish in. When we were unpacking our shopping, he disapeared in the living room and Dan walked through a minute later to see Dylan had caught her in the breeding trap and was walking out to the kitchen with her! Poor thing. She's Dylan's favourite fish. God knows how he caught her.
probably my two puffa fish, they are greedy wee ***** evrytime the bloodworms go in, they will even eyeball the angels which are at least 10 times their size, wee people rule
Probably my female krib, my most laid back fish i've ever had, but she won't let nobody boss her about. Or maybe all of my plecs as they all get along with each other, and share the same big cave, even if they do vary in size.

Probably my female krib, my most laid back fish i've ever had, but she won't let nobody boss her about. Or maybe all of my plecs as they all get along with each other, and share the same big cave, even if they do vary in size.


Thats why I like my corycats, always playing and being nice. Right know im babysitting a angel for my friend, just cycling his tank (29g) anyways sometimes the cory will pump into the angel and hes just stares at me all confused :p

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