Out Of Your Fish What One Are You Most Attached To?

my bristlenose also rocks, hes about 4" length anytime he comes out of his hide hole to feed, he pushs any tom, dick or harry out of the way. could say he is the dominant male!!!!!
Frogfish are amoung the coolest fish in the known universe.

But the fish I was most attached to was my big, fat Dragon Goby.
He died yesterday.

My little zebra angelfish. I had it since it was a juvie and now it's heading towards adult size. I swear it recognizes me, and stares at me!!!
My original False flying fox. May he RIP due to my mistake of putting my fish in a tank that had water 4 degrees higher than what they were just in.... we all make stupid mistakes sometimes... :/

I can't say I'm as attracted to my new False Flying Fox either. not near as personable, but still a character.

Now I'd have to say watching alfred, my albino senegal bichir, is my favorite to watch. That, and midnight, my Black and dark blue betta.
Well, Kevin Costner the kuhli loach has been through a ton of not so great LFS advice and he STILL is going strong- now that we got him buddies they are just the most amusing things to watch play follow the leader through the bubbles.

Also Gus the guppy fry- he was a hitch hiker from the LFS and we've been raising him in his own little net and now a tank. So cute to watch grow up!
:fish: :fish: :fish: All three of my Dwarf Puffers :wub: ....... Oh...wait... what about their super super cute baby puffs :rolleyes: I can't choose between them......Love them all :wub:
my bumblebee gobies, ive got a bbg species tank (10g) and they each have their own little territory, and i swear they would try and scare off an oscar if it tried to invade their space lol, they look so grumpy.
My 2 1 inch female guppies. I've taken care of them since birth and I love seeing them get coloring! :)
My pearscale, Pimples, (see avatar) was always my favourite fish but he sadly died a few months ago.
A close second has always been my weather loach, Whiskers. He is always doing something that makes me smile, be it shooting around the tank like a mad thing or playing dead in the sand with just an eye and a few whiskers poking out!
My 5 peacock eels but 2 in particular. The biggest one is the one I've had the longest, she's survived multiple tank jumps and a run in with the cats and is still alive, kicking and as robust as ever. She cracks me up as well because she usually sits behind a piece of driftwood, pokes her head around the corner and watches you for a minute or so then pops her head back in until a few minutes later when she does it again :lol:

The second one would have to be the smallest eel, he is always mooching around the tank without a care in the world while most of the others are hiding in the sand. He is a little champ :thumbs:

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