Fish runts, from your breeding???

well, it's come time to decide the future of my runt... I'm harvesting Tilapia next Friday, means moving my current breeding pair back to an aquarium in doors, as it's getting colder, & time to shut the system down for winter... I'm not going to leave the runt in the breeding tank... it's siblings will be harvested, as well ( as canners, rather than fillets ) but it hasn't died, doesn't look hugely deformed, and is about the size of a platy, while it's siblings, are at 6 inches... so euthanize or move to a non Tilapia tank, is the question... I kind of want to watch it, & see what happens, & I could put in in my juvenal grow out tank... except that I've seen fingerlings outside where my breeding pair spent the summer, & I don't want to mix those up... which means it would almost have to go into one of my regular tanks, which I'm really hesitant about... curiosity be danged, I may have to euthanize???

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