our story- he died


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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i wrote something called our story a few weeks back.

about my horse and how i came to own him

last night while i was attending my senior prizegiving
magnum died.

we dont know what happend fully but it involved a bog and an eletric fence. i just hope it was quick.he was not ment to die like that and i could kill my self for
not beeing there in his last moments.

i went to say goodbye to him this moring. i allready miss him

iv atached a pic of him it was taken in feb on my birthday.

i just lost my bestfriend in the worst possable way



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I'm so sorry :-( I won't say I understand, but I have lost 6 horses in my life to tragic and unexpected events and it is so hard :/ I do remember reading your story though, and you definately did good by him and you know he loved you for it. Just think of what a wonderful home you gave him to live out his life instead of letting him starve. He was beautiful :sad: PM me if you need to talk -_-
oh, that's awful. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Horses are such excellent people; it's hard to let them go sometimes.

aaaaawwwww thats a truely awful thing to have happened, but you have your good memories of him and the joy he brought you and i'm sure he's looking down on you now in horsey heaven munching on a carrot :-(
thank u everyone... i just miss him so much,
i had to work so hard to keep him.... and it was worth it. having him as my friend was the best thing that ever happend to me ..but i just want him back so bad.

i just miss him
Magnum was beautiful and lucky to come across a human like you. You made a difference. So sorry for your loss.
thank u so much for all the kind words, it still feels like iv lost my bestfriend but i know i will be ok at least i know no one can ever hurt him now.

i got his shoes sent to me today the ones he had on when he died the man who took him away also cut a bit of his mane for me and put it in this pretty box i would hate to have that guys job.

tomrow i am heading up to the stables to pick up all his stuf and say good bye tothe other horses.i was told i could leave our stuf there for as long as i like but i feel like i need it with me just i know how he is not totaly gone

mum and my boyfriend nick have put some of his photos in to frames for me and my bf has hung one up above his bed so even when im at his house magnum is still close by.

i dont belive how lovely some people have been iv been sent flowers form everyone including the lady at school who runs the eqestrian team, im not evan in it.

i wish u all could of met magnum he was so much fun. he would push me up theh ill with his nose and he whould throw his feed bucket over the fence and demand more.and the countless times he would wonder in to the tack room looking for me if i was taking to long.and he drank out of the hose :)..

sorry im rambeling now.. the lady who did his teeth is sending me a pic of him and me its the last pic we had taken togeather its rather beautiful i think.it shows how much he trusted me .anyway i will put it up as soon as i get it.
I feel so sorry for you Candy. Magnum was a beautiful horse, and I hope you can remember the good times.

I used to ride a truly special (to me) horse called Gemini. He was blind in one eye, and he used to canter off to a carab tree with everyone esle, but never once did he do it to me. He was beautiful. I only rode him for 2 years, after I had to leave him in Cyprus. He would be dead now as well.

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