If you were living in a room full of smoke you'd be happy if someone would open the window to let in outside air, even if the air may not be ideal. It's better than the acrid smoky air that is burning your lungs.
Your fish's gills are burning, their skin is burning, a water change will make them feel tons better. Even if the water has something in it that's not ideal, it's better than what they're living and breathing in now!
You will have to change their water daily! They may just have a chance if you are willing to put in the work! You'll probably see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the goal of just feeding the fish and enjoying them is closer than you think right now!
Your fish's gills are burning, their skin is burning, a water change will make them feel tons better. Even if the water has something in it that's not ideal, it's better than what they're living and breathing in now!
You will have to change their water daily! They may just have a chance if you are willing to put in the work! You'll probably see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the goal of just feeding the fish and enjoying them is closer than you think right now!