Lots Of Sick Dying Fish

So, basically when I put these 2 together, I'm reading I know you haven't seen any ammonia spikes, but the cause is ammonia spikes. That doesn't make sense. I test ammonia almost every day. And definitely so since the fish have died. I don't have ammonia spikes--unless it's possible for an ammonia spike to be very high in less than a day and then go back to normal...

Sorry, that wasn't very clear of me. I was just saying that, normally, adding too many fish at once tends to cause an ammonia (or nitrite) spike. Not saying that this was necessarily the reason your fish were dying - although, as has been pointed out, a small spike (or indeed a series of mini-spikes) can harm fish.
Fluttermoth, I understand that it can be an issue...but really don't think it's the issue here. The angels, I'm willing to take blame for anyway, b/c i know they are not as hardy, and the 6 hours in the bag would be stressful even though they can be shipped... which means if anything was less than ideal in water, it could harm them... but i'm concerned that previously healthy fish are now ill. (or at least one.) especially b/c they have been getting ill one by one over extended time and i wouldn't expect that if it were a mini spike... and also i promise that I love my API kit and randomly check all the time, and have never seen over .25...
The cremecicle molly died. Everyone else appears fine. I hope it's over.

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