What is your personal tank setup and what do you do to maintain it?
I know this wasn't aimed at me but I don't think it got answered so I'll tell you how I maintain my tank to hopefully give you an idea of how normal tank maintenance works.

Sorry, can't type so fast...
One of my tanks is actually the same size as yours. I have 2 filters with total flow of 1800 litres an hour, and an air bubbler. The inhabitants are guppies, platies and corydoras. I change the water once a week about 40-50%. I siphon the gravel at different places everytime, but don't bother around the plants, just the open areas. Sometimes I move the driftwood pieces and siphon under them, but that's maybe once a month. I mix the water with water from a kettle to get it to the same temperature and use Api tap safe. To be really honest, even if I skipped a weak of water change, I wouldn't notice it visually, but I like to keep the nitrates as low as possible, and the corydoras also go crazy happy after a water change.
Trick is not to overfeed. I do feed twice a day in this tank at the moment, as I have guppy and platy fry in it as well, but normally once a day a flake each(their stomach is as small as their eye).
That's it really. Can't think of anything else.