New Member With A Huge Problem. Help Me!

I think upgrading the filter if you have a possibility is a good idea for the size of the tank. 125G/h is about 475 litres an hour and personally I think this is quite low for a 29 gallon tank, especially considering it is not even working properly.
Keep us posted how the fish are doing :good:
Well I do have some good news. Last night I did a small water change with one 5 gallon water jug I had lying around. I have to do more I know but the ammonia has dropped a small amount. Its about 0.40, but I see some change in the neon tetras. They seem to be swimming all around the tank, compared to yesterday when they just sat in a corner. Last night I did take out the sarpae tetras because they were nipping a lot. I also took out a black molly because he seemed weak, and 1 neon that most of his tail was gone. I think I might see some new skin on the tails of the neons. I did add about a tablespoon of salt also. Hopefully If I get the new filter and do a few more water changes, the fish will be healthy and happy.
Hi again. I'd say it's better if you open a new thread about the filter. This way you could get more and better opinions, rather than the question being burried here. :good:
Hi again. I'd say it's better if you open a new thread about the filter. This way you could get more and better opinions, rather than the question being burried here. :good:
Will do.
Very very good news. Last night I went out and bought an aqueon quietflow 55/75, and that has done wonders. This thing is great. I woke up this morning and took an ammonia reading, and surprise surprise, 0ppm! I only installed it last night when the ammonia was around 0.40ppm. Also I should say that my fish are absolutely loving it. I have never seen them swim like this before. Even when I put my finger in to get a water sample they came up and started swimming around my finger. The neons seem to be growing their tails back. All the fish love to swim against the current of the new filter, good exercise! Even the mollies are starting to pick at the small amounts of algae growing on the decor. I also kept my old filter in to keep those beneficial bacteria in the water. I am very surprised what a new filter can do for the fish.
What I did was because both of these filters are aqueon and both take the same filter cartridges. I took the cartridge out of the old one and put it in the new one.
Well done! So the old filter was cycled then, it was just that it wasn't working at full strength. I'm pleased you've found a solution. :good:

Remember though that changing the water every month still isn't adequate. If you can't do any better please make sure you clean the tank, especially the substrate, regularly.
I love a happy ending, or...should I say happy fishkeeping beginning to you :good: :good:
Thanks. I knew something was a miss. It just bothers me how much money in fish I have lost due to a faulty filter. All well, as long as I found the problem and I really can see a difference. As it should be going from probably 100 gph now at over 450gph with both filters. I have no problem keeping up with water changes now that I know that I can actually keep the fish alive.
Just took another test, still 0ppm, Even after I moved some of the decorations around for more room, and cleaned some algae its still 0ppm, This filter has done wonders for your fish. Just a tip with anyone reading this that has an aqueon 29g aquarium kit, go out and spend $40 on a aqueon 55/75 quietflow power filter. It will do wonders for your tank and fish. Thanks to everyone who gave me some tips on what the problem was! :good: :D
Glad to hear you've solved the problem. If you've transferred all the media into the new filter you don't need to keep the old one running; you can safely remove it from your tank. Might be worth keeping an eye on the ammonia and nitrite for the next few days, just to be on the safe side, but it seems all's well that ends well :)
Just a tip with anyone reading this that has an aqueon 29g aquarium kit, go out and spend $40 on a aqueon 55/75 quietflow power filter

It works, just because the new filter has higher water flow rate, which is more than enough to cycle the ammonia on time without it being accumulated and poisoning the fish. You just didn't have an adequate filter in there.
I bet the fish are definately happier now and in a while they may even recover from all the stress.
This is my last update on this subject. Today is the 3rd day with the new filter. Tested the ammonia last night and this morning and both times it was at 0ppm, so no ammonia spikes. These fish have really taken to this new filter. They are about 10 times more active and the water is crystal clear. I really didn't see a clarity issue before I got it but since the new filter Wow! They really love to swim in the current of the filter and now I really can see that their fins are growing back. I can barely even see fin damage anymore and I would imagine in a week or 2 they will be 100%. Now I can actually enjoy these fish the way they were meant to be. Thanks all!
That's really wonderful news. (You know now the power of ammonia :/ )The fins will be back in no time, could be even less than 2 weeks, especially if you manage to do a small water change here and there if you can, even if it is a 5 gallon one.

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