Our Kittens Life Taken By Two Dogs

On a lighter note, CFC, your comments are hysterical. He's just saying what's on his mind and that's great. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, KathyM, CFC, everybody. And this is coming from a left wing namby pamby, well actually, more of a middle wing namby pamby with a wicked streak. :lol: I apologize for the chuckle in what is supposed to be a sad thread.

Yeah, I peed my pants laughing at his comments. Not. See the thing is, he's not posting to make people laugh, he's posting to offend, and deliberately wind up people and make a long thread so his name gets mentionned more.

Personally, I'd hope that they'd boot his backside off the moderating team. He's not acting like one, he's acting like an immature idiot. Mind you, I'm assuming he's in his teens - maybe he's not.

If anyone else posted deliberatly to inflame and upset, they'd be removed. Opinions are one thing. Encouraging or approving of animal cruelty is another.
I spoke to the dog warden today who told me they will be visiting this man with the R.S.P.C.A they will inform me of the out come.Any information that you may come up with in the meantime will all help to hopefully get these dogs rehomed with a responsable owner.
We wont give up untill something is done.
Good! Do keep us posted. I hope that they can do something; he doesn't sound like a responsible dog owner, and his dogs are posing a threat to other people's pets due to their poor training and socialization. Unfortunately, the damage is probably done if they are at adulthood, so they may never be good for homes with small animals... but if nothing else maybe someone who actually knows to properly control and restrain a cat-agressive dog will adopt them. We'll be keeping out fingers crossed for you!
On a lighter note, CFC, your comments are hysterical. He's just saying what's on his mind and that's great. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, KathyM, CFC, everybody. And this is coming from a left wing namby pamby, well actually, more of a middle wing namby pamby with a wicked streak. :lol: I apologize for the chuckle in what is supposed to be a sad thread.

Yeah, I peed my pants laughing at his comments. Not. See the thing is, he's not posting to make people laugh, he's posting to offend, and deliberately wind up people and make a long thread so his name gets mentionned more.

Personally, I'd hope that they'd boot his backside off the moderating team. He's not acting like one, he's acting like an immature idiot. Mind you, I'm assuming he's in his teens - maybe he's not.

If anyone else posted deliberatly to inflame and upset, they'd be removed. Opinions are one thing. Encouraging or approving of animal cruelty is another.

My posts are not intended to offend, they are just how i feel about aggressive out of control dogs, no matter how you try to wrap it in pretty pink bows a dog that attacks and kills other peoples pets should be destroyed, and if the local authorities aren't prepared to act then the owner of the dead animal should have every right to make sure that dog never has the chance to harm another pet again. If it were a wild animal then people would have no hesitation in using traps, poisons or shooting a dangerous animal but because it is a domestic dog people cant see past the big bright eyes and wagging tail. If you take a dog into the Royal parks in London and your dog chases the deer the parks police will shoot your dog there and then if they want to, how is it that a dog that just chases a wild animal will get a instant death sentance but one that kills someones pet just gets told it has to be muzzled and walked on a lead, there is something seriously wrong there.
I have to work with a guy who is the scum of the earth (shock horror, there is actually someone worse than me!!) who repeatedly boasts of how many cats and foxes his staffordshire bull terrier has killed and how many fights it has won against other dogs in the park, dont get me wrong the dog is lovely towards people and adores children but it is outright dangerous towards any other furry creature and IMO should be destroyed as it is out of control and becomes a frenzied monster whenever another creature comes near. As a cat owner the thought that everytime one of our cats goes out it is in danger of being torn up by a dog is one that makes me very angry and the thought that the dog will go unpunished and even be rewarded by being rehomed with a real dog lover is disgusting.
Did it happen in a public place though??

If the cat strayed into this chaps garden then they're may be some get out for him, unless thier is a witness that can prove he was ignoring what was happening.

That's why I asked, where abouts did this happen?
Did it happen in a public place though??

If the cat strayed into this chaps garden then they're may be some get out for him, unless thier is a witness that can prove he was ignoring what was happening.

That's why I asked, where abouts did this happen?

Hi litteimp post #24 answers your question
the dogs' reward was the kill and probably its owner's praise. being rehomed would not be a "reward" for killing the cat, and certainly would not be seen as one by the dogs who will not know there is any connection between what they did and what is done to them as a result. Animals like this CAN be reformed, CFC, but it takes the patience of a real dog lover, someone who will take the time to make them see that they are NOT to attack animals.

You said if a small child killed all your fish you would be angry and want to kill it, but that you would not. The child didn't know what it did was wrong and can't if it isn't in a way that the child can understand. These animals are no different.

But i guess it isn't really worth all this, because nothing I or anyone else will say is going to change your mind. i do think you made a good point though, that the act of killing someone's pet is practically ignored, while dogs are shot for chasing wildlife. It's a pretty grievous difference in the actions taken, though I don't really agree with either one.
If it were a wild animal then people would have no hesitation in using traps, poisons or shooting a dangerous animal

Only the same people who think the same thoughts as you do, wild animals see anything small enough as something to keep them alive, and some bigger things as something that is possibly a threat, and they react accordingly. Most animals, while perhaps they would attack a kitten as possible food, a human is too big to eat, and is probably liable of overpowering that animal, so wouldn't be attacked.

Your chaca kills and eats other fish, and I'm sure the rest of your preds do, they are 'dangerous and out of control' but I see no move by you with a big bottle of clove oil or a mallet.
I see a few problems here. The cat got out, that's ok, but the dog without a leash isn't. Why no leash on the cat?

If the dog would listen to it's owner & stop, the dog can be taught that tearing into cats is bad. If it won't, it would be tough, if possible at all, to teach the dog not to do that. It's probably only a matter of time before the dog does do damage to a smaller child. Nip it now, adios doggy.

Now I know that in the UK there are severe controls on weapons of any kind. I am surprised you folks don't have any sort of self preservation mindset. That dog's owner is an idiot, why do you want to let someone like that control your, or your kittens destiny. Keep a shovel by the door, you were just going out to do a little gardening when this dog grabbed your kitten, brain the dog. You folks are fond of wicket or whatever that game is with the abbreviated oar looking bat. Keep one of those handy, it's sports equipment. Learn to be self sufficient, take care of the problem now. There are no laws against thinking ahead, any police or other government agency takes care of matters after the fact.

The biggest problem is the dog's owner. I've found that life has a funny way of catching up to people like that, given time. I could suggest a few ways to set this gentleman up, but they are for the most part illegal. :)
I find it interesting how many people recommend sending the dog to the RSPCA rather than putting it down...If only more people realised just how many animals it puts down that are perfectly healthy or easily treatable, especially if the owner they are taking it off of says they "might as well put it down" (the exact words on a documentary).

And as for someone saying that CFC would post just to get his name in a thread... :lol:
Yup andy, that's perfectly true. Somewhere that claims nhever to put a healthy dog d0wn would be better, but how true their claims are I have no idea.
generally, any dog taken from an owner that has attacked another animal (if that is the reason it is being removed) will be put down... which is sad, because so many of those dogs just don't know that it's wrong. i hate people like that man who raise their dogs incorrectly and then the dog has to pay. imo, the dog owner should be the one put down! especially considering he was sitting right there watching it happen!! :grr:

honestly, if that man has such little respect for life, he is MUCH more of a danger to society than either of his dogs!!!

and i am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little kitten :-(
I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. =( I have no words. He was a precious little kitten, he didn't even have a chance against 2 large dogs with a disgusting excuse for a human being as their owner. In the states, no matter where it happens, if a dog kills a cat they are labeled as a dangerous dog, and the owner has to go to court to plead for their case to keep the dogs. If they are found to be irresponsible, the dogs will be taken & re-homed (as long as they are not human-aggressive). I hope something like this is done for you, you & your baby deserve at least that.

I'm so sorry that your much-loved kitten's memorial post has been turned into people talking about killing the animals. Of course that is horrible, and personally I would be going after the owner if anything, but taking the lives of the dogs is JUST AS SICK as that owner allowing his dogs to take the life of the kitten. There IS such a thing as prey drive - no, it does not mean the dogs would randomly attack anyone - it means they have a high drive with small animals. Just about any working breed out there has a level of prey drive, and of course it's extremely irresponsible to leave a dog with high drive off-leash to roam.

"It is also natural for dogs to hunt and kill humans, would he let them kill him?" WTH? This is not natural. Anyone breeding dogs who attempt to hunt & kill humans is a psycho. A dog who "hunts" humans is extremely aggressive & unsocialized. There is not a single case of a wolf killing a human in North America, just FYI.

CFC, seriously, it's called prey drive. It is as innate to a working dog (GSD's, Huskies, Rotties, etc) as herding drive is to a herding dog (my BC would've at the most circled the cat and nipped, except for the fact that he's afraid of our own cats). I know many Husky owners who have had cats wander into their yard and they've been injured or killed by their dog... does this make them bad owners? No. They felt horrible for it. The one disgusting issue in this case is that the owner of these GSD's allowed the dogs off-leash out of their own property, when he knew well that these dogs naturally had intense drive, and made no effort to control them. The OWNER is the danger to society, because he ultimately controls every action that his dog takes in public. Also, ANY dog can have drive, and many dogs will hunt small animals (if you consider high drive dogs dangerous, so are: all of the small terrier breeds, all of the hunting breeds, scenting dogs, sighthounds, working breeds, as well as many TOY breeds). My sisters ChihuahuaxBeagle would do anything to go after small animals. Our yard was completely free of birds, squirrels, and cats because she would attempt to kill them... she actually killed several moles, birds, & squirrels and injured the tail of a neighbors cat (which, we even helped pay the vet bills, even though the cat was in our fenced yard). Are Chihuahuas and Beagles also on your "dangerous" list because this comes naturally to them, even though they are known as some of the sweetest family dogs? Our dog was wonderful with people of any age, and other dogs, and our own cats. It is up to owners to control their dogs in public, period. Dogs do not think, they only LEARN behaviors.
That's all he gets? Is a letter from the warden telling him to put his dogs on a lead? If I witnessed that I would have killed those two dogs on the spot. That is terrible..

I likely would have done the same thing, or at least tore into them. Not because they're at fault (I do blame the owner), but I know that were I to witness a dog going after one of my cats, I wouldn't hesitate to use force--even lethal force--in stopping it. In fact, I have gone after a dog before, as it was attempting to chase down my boy Odysseus. Luckily for the dog (and probably myself), it backed down immediately, the owner was informed, and the dog was handled in a civilized manner. The dog's owner was far more rational than the owner of those German shepherds, and the dog was kept better contained.

And in a way, I do kinda agree with CFC: forcing the owner to watch his dogs torn to shreds would be sweet justice. That's just my morbid side talking, though.
Im sorry for your loss. My aunt's small dog was attacked and killed by 2 bull mastiff's right in front of her just earlier this year. My uncle was actually bitten when he tried to pull the dogs off, once they killed my aunt's dog, they moved onto my aunt, luckily they were in their yard and got inside quickly. There is absolutely nothing natural about domestic animals killing people or other domestic animals, i recommend you do everything in your power to have those dogs euthenized, even if u must take the task upon yourself. If they would attack your cat they will certainly attack small children. Regardless of what the laws say about cats, the animals were brought onto your property and killed your pet (property), so legal action can actually be taken. If i were in your shoes i would poison the dogs and walk away, anyone who thinks that a dog agressivly attacking small animals is natural needs to realise that children are also technically small animals as well, and i guarantee you that no one can justify the death of a child with the phrase "its natural".

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