I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. =( I have no words. He was a precious little kitten, he didn't even have a chance against 2 large dogs with a disgusting excuse for a human being as their owner. In the states, no matter where it happens, if a dog kills a cat they are labeled as a dangerous dog, and the owner has to go to court to plead for their case to keep the dogs. If they are found to be irresponsible, the dogs will be taken & re-homed (as long as they are not human-aggressive). I hope something like this is done for you, you & your baby deserve at least that.
I'm so sorry that your much-loved kitten's memorial post has been turned into people talking about killing the animals. Of course that is horrible, and personally I would be going after the owner if anything, but taking the lives of the dogs is JUST AS SICK as that owner allowing his dogs to take the life of the kitten. There IS such a thing as prey drive - no, it does not mean the dogs would randomly attack anyone - it means they have a high drive with small animals. Just about any working breed out there has a level of prey drive, and of course it's extremely irresponsible to leave a dog with high drive off-leash to roam.
"It is also natural for dogs to hunt and kill humans, would he let them kill him?" WTH? This is not natural. Anyone breeding dogs who attempt to hunt & kill humans is a psycho. A dog who "hunts" humans is extremely aggressive & unsocialized. There is not a single case of a wolf killing a human in North America, just FYI.
CFC, seriously, it's called prey drive. It is as innate to a working dog (GSD's, Huskies, Rotties, etc) as herding drive is to a herding dog (my BC would've at the most circled the cat and nipped, except for the fact that he's afraid of our own cats). I know many Husky owners who have had cats wander into their yard and they've been injured or killed by their dog... does this make them bad owners? No. They felt horrible for it. The one disgusting issue in this case is that the owner of these GSD's allowed the dogs off-leash out of their own property, when he knew well that these dogs naturally had intense drive, and made no effort to control them. The OWNER is the danger to society, because he ultimately controls every action that his dog takes in public. Also, ANY dog can have drive, and many dogs will hunt small animals (if you consider high drive dogs dangerous, so are: all of the small terrier breeds, all of the hunting breeds, scenting dogs, sighthounds, working breeds, as well as many TOY breeds). My sisters ChihuahuaxBeagle would do anything to go after small animals. Our yard was completely free of birds, squirrels, and cats because she would attempt to kill them... she actually killed several moles, birds, & squirrels and injured the tail of a neighbors cat (which, we even helped pay the vet bills, even though the cat was in our fenced yard). Are Chihuahuas and Beagles also on your "dangerous" list because this comes naturally to them, even though they are known as some of the sweetest family dogs? Our dog was wonderful with people of any age, and other dogs, and our own cats. It is up to owners to control their dogs in public, period. Dogs do not think, they only LEARN behaviors.