Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

If it shrinks back and does NOT show a white skeleton protruding beneath it, chances are it is a mushroom. If that's the case, fear not, they're very hardy. Not sure on the green stuff, could be a macroalgae of some sort
todays stats:

PH between 8 and 8.03
Ammonia <0.25 no colour in result at all = 0 in my book?
Nitrate 2
Nitrite 0

Diatoms increasing over the sand, looks yucky :crazy:

CUC at the weekend?

Seffie x


ps any rumours that i blew all the electrics in the house by getting a plug wet when doing the big water change are greatly exaggerated :blush:
:lol: make sure you wash that plug, cause residual salt can give you a nice tingle next time you touch it. I wouldn't know from experience ;)
ps any rumours that i blew all the electrics in the house by getting a plug wet when doing the big water change are greatly exaggerated
Who would spread such a rumour I wonder.
Trod ...Pass the Candle
ps any rumours that i blew all the electrics in the house by getting a plug wet when doing the big water change are greatly exaggerated
Who would spread such a rumour I wonder.
Trod ...Pass the Candle

She kept that one quiet, to much of the :beer: if you ask me :whistle:

Thanks SkiFletch, feel a bit better now, definately no skeleton. I'll keep everything crossed and hopefully it'll be alright.

All water tests are same after water change so looking to get CUC in at weekend :D
6 blue legged hermits {I have the red legged they look nicer but don’t work as hard as the blues :grr: }
2 Shrimp I had one blood red and it was very shy so I was advised to get a second shrimp so I got a skunk shrimp and the blood red killed it so I then tried a second blood red and there much more active now in MO.
6 Snails
I also have a Brittle Star that loves to eat my fan worms {feather dusters} 3 of them so far :devil: :grr:
So if I was to start my CUC again from scratch I would get 6 blue legged hermits/6 snails/ and a pair of shrimps/ dump the brittle star and get some sort of fish that sieves the sand instead
Hope this is of some help best regards john, o
HI, sorry to be pest, but what is the best way to introduce them to tank, can you put them all together in bucket and slowly add water from tank and how long should this take, or is there a better/easier way. Don't want to kill them off before they even get to tank :crazy:

Tests from Yesterday
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
P.H. 8.2 ish
nitrate still about 2.5

And now got Diatoms too, looks horrible :sad:
Thank you Dear sister :friends:

I shall have a look :wub:

And you're sneaking ahead of the game again getting your crew in before mine :rofl:
Maybe........... :drool: But if you would rather drive a big train than came out with your sister :eek: :wub:

Going to go early this afternoon I expect :good:

your sister x

Hello trod
What I do is float the bags in the main tank for 30mins or so just to get the water in the bags back up to temp after the journey from the LFS, then i put fish/invert in the bucket along with the water in the bags from the LFS. Then I start a siphon from the main tank to the bucket with a length of air tube, I have a clamp {valve} on it which i adjust so that i get approximately one to two drips a second. I let the water double in volume then remove half, let it double again and then introduce the fish/invert to the main tank and dispose of all water in the bucket and top up the tank with fresh salt mix. :good:

As for the Diatoms :crazy: I was told to only have my lights on for a few hours a day to start off with and slowly build them up over 2 weeks and that worked really well for me. I still had them but not as bad as some people get them. The most important thing on the salty side is to take things slowly and have a good maintenance schedule and they will eventually go. :good:
Hope this helps

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