Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

wasn't going to test yet - but she has, so i had too :hyper:

Nitrate 25
Ammonia 0
PH 8.5 ish
Nitrite 0.1

Seffie x

Just done first water testing
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PH 8.2 ish
Nitrate 5

Are these results because most of the LR has come from an established tank, or can I expect them to go up in the next few days.
Got little things starting to stick out of LR. Its so exciting, can't stop looking at tank

If those stats are true then your ready for your CUC,
But I'd be inclined to leave it a few more days and re-test or wait until Seffie's at the same juncture as you.
Your rock must have been already cured when you bought it, mine wasn't and I had many issues at the start.
Anyway consider and include all of the following... Star Astrea snails, Tongan Nassarius Snails, Jumbo Cerith snails and Hermit Crabs. Acclimatise them properly (see my thread if unsure).
You may be able to source them locally, if not then try here.
This is where I got my initial CUC from and they're very good.
Both Trod and Seffie may like to combine an order if they wish to save on postage.
Dont forget to include some empty hermit shells because your hermits will change their real estate constantly.
Thanks BigC,
Think I'll wait a couple of days, just to make sure.
Really looking forward to getting CUC in, wanted to put some skunk and peppermint shrimps in too would this be ok and how many do you recommend????
1 skunk should be ample for a tank this size.

I bought a peppermint shrimp the other day hoping to see it murder some of my aiptasia.

As soon as he was in he was behind or under the rocks and keeping himself private.

Haven't seen him since.

Remember when you start to add your cuc that shrimps take ages to acclimatise.
I wouldn't add shrimp at this stage, best to wait IMHO. until the tank fully matures.
When I first started, Steahhealr recommended to me to go down the fish first route after the CUC were in. This I did. This allowed all the processes to take place in regards to the bioload of the tank and the capabality of the liverock to cope with such. Fish feeding, fish excrement etc. It was only after all this I could install the corals. You dont have to follow this route But this is the way I was advised.
I see Seffie's Nitrates and Ph is still a tad high, need to wait a little longer Wait until the nitrate falls a little more then perform (both of you) a large 40% waterchange then you should be ready for your CUC.
Iv'e got brown stuff.............yeah (never thought I would hear myself cheering over 'brown stuff', :rofl: My Nitrate now even higher, somewhere between 25 and 50, closer to the 50 - this is my spike, right :good: and not some awful invasion!

Seffie x

That sounds like the first process in the algal chain of events Diatoms, dont worry too much as it will eventually clear with time. Next you will probably get Hair algae which is a little bit harder to get rid off. Thats where a good CUC comes in.
Seffie your not ready yet to add CUC, those nitrates need to drop a little. Perform a pretty large waterchange now (40%) and re-test. Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate.
ok, will have to heat and salt water first though, this sounds bad
NO not at all its just the natural process we all had to go through so dont panic and dont worry. its normal.
ok, RO on to heat and salt added - me panic, who said that lol. Can only do a 25 litre change tonight, will do rest tomorrow when i have got some more RO water. Really must get me a butt!

RO unit on and producing the clear nector, all systems go.............time for a :beer: no, no focus girly!

Thanks Colin


This really is scary stuff :blink:
Water results not much change, nitrate gone down slightly.
Off to LFS to get more RO water for big water change :crazy: (RO unit still not working properly only getting drips!!)
No brown stuff but I have got, what looks like thick grass on LR.

My poor mushroom isn't looking to healthy either its flat and got white fluffy stuff over it :unsure:
I'll go with the expert, sounds logical to have fish first (Grandson will be pleased he's getting quite frustrated waiting for his nemo :lol: )
Hummm, you sure that's a mushroom? Almost looks like an encrusting hard coral... Does it have a skeleton or is it all a soft body?

You guys are doing fine so far. Keep up with the patience :)
Hummm, you sure that's a mushroom? Almost looks like an encrusting hard coral... Does it have a skeleton or is it all a soft body?

You guys are doing fine so far. Keep up with the patience :)

No honestly don't know I am Just going by what the chap that we bought the LR from said. It appears to have a soft body, but don't really want to upset it anymore than I already have, by cheacking it. Is an encrusting hard coral a bad thing ???? What would you recommend, did 40% water change today and that seems to have upset it again, its shrunk back.
Any ideas on the green grass stuff ????
Thanks again for all your help :good:

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