Well Stress levels through the roof
Got home from work yesterday afternoon to find seffie sitting on settee with strange look on her face, we were going out and she had come round early to see tank, other half looking concerned, they both looked at tank and OMG its happened again, blooming critters have caused absolute mayhem

large piece of LR laying on top of xenia, new orange zoa laying on its side, green zoa hanging on for dear life, colt was just drooping like never before, everything looked sick and thoroughly miserable.
Couldn't do anything about it immediatly so had to go out completely stressed, and worried about tank. STRESS STRESS STRESS
Soooooooo got home, and thought right I'll repair worst of damage as it was getting late, then do better repairs next day. I only moved LR which was laying on xenia AND crash the whole lot fell, at this point I began to feel mildly sick

screaming at other half to get hold of things to stop corals getting crushed, so both of us with arms in tank holding LR getting attacked by clowns and shrimps, and I'll swear the emerald crab even came out for quick bite!!!!
Well some hours later and a lot of stress and shouting

I now have a lot of happy healthy looking corals sitting on what looks like a pile of rubble
I shall leave all well alone for a while cos corals have once again survived and look good, even colt coral has came out, obviously prefers its new position even though it is being touched by xenia
I just wish I knew what was causing this mayhem, but if I ever catch them, they're in BIG trouble.
P.S. Seffie keeping a secret from you all she has something in her tank which she is not sharing!!!!!!!!!!