Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Thanks Guys, must agree he is gorgeous, go on sis, you know you want to :hyper: and yes they had about 4 there, plus a gorgeous little yellow assessor (well thats what Mark called it!!) was very tempted to get him till he said he was £50 :crazy:
was very tempted to get him till he said he was £50
I'll expect to see the pics shortly cus as sure as eggs are eggs seffie's comming home with it LOL
Well..................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what can I say! Came away with the most gorgeous Dracula Goby :blush: SO, you r both wrong :devil:


Well, maybe not wrong, maybe purple firefish is being kept for me...............just maybe!

Seffie x


PS then that's me full up for fish :blink: already looking at my rio 180 with different eyes :D
and did you get the salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to get her priorities right Trod LOL
Stonogobiops dracula
Yeah seffie nice fish. dont know much about it myself except it hails from the Maldives where it lives in pairs symbiotically with Alpheus randalli. (shrimp sp)
and did you get the salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to get her priorities right Trod LOL
Stonogobiops dracula
Yeah seffie nice fish. dont know much about it myself except it hails from the Maldives where it lives in pairs symbiotically with Alpheus randalli. (shrimp sp)

mmmmmmmmmmm, knew there was something I forgot :crazy:

Yes they have a symbiotic relationship - would like to get him a shrimp but have not seen them around here. Also got some pussy coral - I now have my base corals (all pinky/brown) so now need to choose my other colour corals (still waiting for my book from Amazon)

If you look carefuly on the right at the bottom in a little cave you will see Dracula :blush:



Can I have suggestions for some colourful corals (not pink) please. Saw an Elegance coral yesterday, £60 but don't think I am ready for that particular coral yet - was very tempting :rolleyes:

Seffie x

Good looking tank there Sef.
You maybe like to try a nice flourescent Hammer or Torch on the r/h side at the bottom if you params are stable. Keep away from other coral somewhat to allow for expansion.
Then get into your filler corals such as Zoas.
Great tank
Ok, I have had to re aquascape, My colt bush coral is not happy, it was up the top so I have now moved it to middle on left and my yellow polyp has been moved to middle right, I have moved a lot of LR to differant places, (found a little blue fluffy thing :hyper: , not sure what it is, looks like a feather duster but bright blue)
I still think it looks good, bush coral not reacted to move yet and blooming cleaner shrimp won't leave it alone, will just have to wait and see what happens, all water tests are consistant, no changes at all and everything else is happy. so just hope move works and it perks up.

Your Tank looking really lovely sis, will have to come round and see it for real soon :good:

That still looks great!! I esp like the bushy thing on the bottom middle..sorry I'm good w/coral names yet :blush:

That's her toadstool, not a patch on mine i'm afraid to say :devil: :whistle: :rofl:

Looking good sis, liked it before but looking even nicer, you obviously are a natural :wub:

Seffie x

Just a little advice, take it or leave it.
That toadstool will grow into a massive coral, where it stands at the moment will mean that it will obliterate visually and to a point terminate most other corals around.
You would be better placed to move it higher up on your rockwork right or left are the usual spots, so as you can aquascape beneath it. No point wasting all that valuable rock space if you cant see it.
all looks cracking =)

im not the biggest fan of firefish i must admit but i prefer the purple to reds :good:

ps it may of been mentioned but becarful of toadstalls in with lps corals. theres been a few casing of toxic warfare from the toadstall ...
Thanks for advice BigC will give it a go, colt coral still not happy so might move it back up a tad and see if toadstool will go on left, you can't see on photo my Xenia is on the right, so can't really put it there :look:

Got the day off work today, so tank will more than likely have another new look by the end of the day :crazy:

and no I'm not going anywhere near LFS, HONEST :blush:

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