is it good for angel fish to eat snails???

so... back to the snails... I'm sure babies probably have softer / thinner shells, but there is not much room in the gut cavity of the angel fish... is their system designed to dissolve those shells, or are they forced to pass them... anyone know???
I don't know specifics but did do a bit of research. Bottom line is that, in most cases, eating snails will cause no harm but are not good if that is all that is eaten as they do not supply needed nutrients.
I've not been able to ( easily ) find frozen foods, we don't have a decent fish store anywhere close... I have freeze dried brine shrimp, tubiflex, daphnia, & blood worms as well as several pellets & flakes... he used to really like the freeze dried brine shrimp
I know Petco here carries frozen. Is there one of those in your area?
You can also order frozen food online. I've never done that myself. I imagine the shipping costs would be a little pricey.
Ya... I'm sure shipping would need to be next day although could be pretty normal shipping if packed with dry ice...

I think a better option would be to get popcorn shrimp and chop up. Really any kind of shrimp I would guess.
I imagine shipping as expensive as getting the fish shipped... I'm likely most inclined to buy some various small packages of frozen seafood in the grocery, & take a piece out & chop it up...

back 15 years or so ago... the local grocery had a sale on whole frozen squid boxes ( like 5 lb boxes... I bought all they had ) ... my trouble was I tried it myself, & liked it enough I ate it, rather than feeding it to my fish
Ya... I'm sure shipping would need to be next day although could be pretty normal shipping if packed with dry ice...

I think a better option would be to get popcorn shrimp and chop up. Really any kind of shrimp I would guess.
Or cultivating some live foods. I'm just getting into that myself and so far, it's not that hard. I have the mosquito bucket out and I already talked about the bbs hatchery. I'm going to try grindal worms next.
I am curious on the live foods, though a bit nervous about anything aquatic ( except brine shrimp ) ( I did put the attached hatchery in my Amazon basket ) but would hate to introduce anything bad, coming in with the live foods...

there is lots of talk about Duckweed... I have 100 Tilapia fingerings just arrived at the house today, & planned on giving them Duckweed, along with their regular grower feed... I have a tank in their set up, just for vegetables ( hydroponic ) & growing duck weed... the 1st Duckweed I bought, was from the aquarium culture, & it sunburned badly ( I think all dead ) ... so I've had to search out grown outdoors... & even though I drive past tons of it at the local lake, I have the same fears of introducing something into my tanks from lake grown Duckweed
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I am curious on the live foods, though a bit nervous about anything aquatic ( except brine shrimp ) ( I did put the attached hatchery in my Amazon basket ) but would hate to introduce anything bad, coming in with the live foods...

there is lots of talk about Duckweed... I have 100 Tilapia fingerings just arrived at the house today, & planned on giving them Duckweed, along with their regular grower feed... I have a tank in their set up just for vegetables ( hydroponic ) & growing duck weed... the 1st Duckweed I bought, was from the aquarium culture, & it sunburned badly ( I think all dead ) ... so I've had to search out grown outdoors... & even though I drive past tons of it at the local lake, I have the same fears of introducing something into my tanks from lake grown Duckweed
I had the same concern. The mosquito bucket or anything else you cultivate outside would only be exposed to the same spores in the air as your aquarium. The water parameters of the outside water are going to be different than your tank, so the chances of transferring algae are slim. Other live foods like grindal worms or daphnia are not likely to bring in harmful pathogens unless you're cultivating them in a sewer. You're only going to want to add the live food itself to the tank and not any of the detritus.

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