Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

Wehay, he's got the bug,lol

Clock is on count down and ticking for these pics now.......

Consider scooting up to lisburn and visiting grosvenor tropicals mate...often meet a lot of southern keepers in there on a sunday...it'll blow your mind, and melt the credit cards,lol....

haha....maybe next payday! ;)
Unfortunately they are still sulking......hopefully have better pics tomorrow


Only had one of these guys, so will pick up another 2 another day
Nice buys..love the way sexy shrimp wiggle that butt,lol...
Place your star polyps close to the side of the tank and watch them cover the side wall in no time...beautiful when expanded and will appreciate a good flow over them....
Nice buys..love the way sexy shrimp wiggle that butt,lol...
Place your star polyps close to the side of the tank and watch them cover the side wall in no time...beautiful when expanded and will appreciate a good flow over them....

Cheers Buddy! Yeah, must try and see if they grow up the wall, I think the flow on the toadstool could be too much right now, so may be moving them around tomorrow.

Also the toadstool has a little baby budding on the other side. :)
Forgot to mention, the guy in the LFS gave me the Sexy Shrimp for nothing, and that was before I even said I wanted to buy the corals. This is the 3rd time he has given me something for free (already gave me 3 snails & an orange claw hermit).

It is one of those LFS were they don't really know what they are talking about, so you can usually get bargains.
The GSP's are starting to come out of sulk mode now, about 1/3 of them opened yesterday. However the sarcophyton is sulking really badly, I'm starting to worry that it could be in trouble. It is deflated and leaning over to one side.....I know these guys can really sulk, but hopefully that is all that's wrong.

The sexy shrimp seems to be doing ok, cute little thing.
Also I was just wondering about the flow in my tank. I have a 1000 lph powerhead in my inlet compartment, a 1000 lph powerhead in my outlet compartment and a koralia nano 900 lph in my display section....I presume this is enough flow??
May have fallen behind here lately,lol...but if sg still at 1.023 try to slowly raise it to 1.026 over a few days as this is ideal for all your corals..as said may have done this already,lol...
Are the powerheads in the rear chambers then???...one in there would be sufficent and the other could be placed in the tank then giving a toal of 1900lph
sarco will appreciate the current as they thrive with plenty of flow around them..but not pointed directly at them....
aim for a flow rate of around 20x per hour in the main area of the display
leathers love to sulk,lol..often for a week or two at a time but once settled this normally will drop to a day or two at most
May have fallen behind here lately,lol...but if sg still at 1.023 try to slowly raise it to 1.026 over a few days as this is ideal for all your corals..as said may have done this already,lol...
Are the powerheads in the rear chambers then???...one in there would be sufficent and the other could be placed in the tank then giving a toal of 1900lph
sarco will appreciate the current as they thrive with plenty of flow around them..but not pointed directly at them....
aim for a flow rate of around 20x per hour in the main area of the display
leathers love to sulk,lol..often for a week or two at a time but once settled this normally will drop to a day or two at most

Cheers Buddy, SG is currently 1.026.
I forgot to mention that I have the return powerhead attached to my spray bar which is adding a good bit of flow in display area and also surface turbulence.

The problem is that if I move the return PH out of the 4th chamber & into display, it will cause the rear chambers to overflow into eachother. This is because the 1000 LPH ph in the 1st chamber pumps so much water through, that I need the 1000 LPH ph in the 4th chamber to balance it out....if that makes sense! lol
It took a lot of messing around to get the water levels right in the rear chambers. At first the return pump was pulling too much water through and causing the level to drop too much in the 3rd chamber where the heater is. So that is when I decided to attach this powerhead to the spray bar using flex tubing and a adjustable valve so I could limit the flow out and bring the water levels back to normal.
nano chambers really can be pesky little blighters,lol.....
try to get your flow in display area to around 20x as this will help with polyp extension on your softies....the p/head coupled with your return pump should be there already i'd say if you work it out,lol...too early for me to even attempt any sums :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
nano chambers really can be pesky little blighters,lol.....
try to get your flow in display area to around 20x as this will help with polyp extension on your softies....the p/head coupled with your return pump should be there already i'd say if you work it out,lol...too early for me to even attempt any sums :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

lol...yeah, monday morning + sums isn't a good combo!! Do you just add them up?
If so, that is 1900 LPH in display area, but if I take into account that the LPH is usually lower than advertised + I have reduced the flow from the return pump slightly I will lower that figure to 1500 LPH. My tank is 58 litres (but that I presume is with just water in it, as with rock etc displacing water this number is less - so lets lower that to 50?). So 50 x 20 is 1000 - so with 1500 LPH I would probably have about the 30x water flow going on in tank.

Sound about right? :crazy: :crazy:
Came home from work yesterday and there was a hole in my toadstool leather! :( :(
It was on it's head, and basically looked rotting - and one of the hermits was chowing down on it.

It hasn't been doing well since I got it, and I'm wondering if the GSP I got waged a bit of chemical warfare?? Although my other softies are doing fine....
Anyway I read some sites where people had similar problems and most people said to cut away the necrotic tissues, so I decided to do that. As I was doing it I noticed 3 more holes, another in the head and one in the stalk, so in the end I just cut away the dead tissue and ended up with 2 frags basically which I hope will now take hold - although considering the state of the parent I don't hold much hope.

Further to that when I was working on it I noticed some legs dart into a hole in the rock the toadstool was on. Turned out to be a tiny teddy bear crab - so looks like I would have had another hitchhiker crab if I hadn't found it.

Anyway, a bit disappointing for that to happend to the leather, hopefully the little frags can pull through.

On a side note, the GSP is coming around and more and more polyps are opening every day, and my rics are growing nicely. :)
Some new pics! Unfortunately the toadstool didn't make it, tried fragging but to no avail....just rotted away in a matter of a day. :(
The GSP's are flying now, and the sexy shrimp seems to have made them it's home! lol

Also, have a new addition to the tank...... ;)







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