hi im new to marine i wouldnt put any more live rock in yet till you get ammonia and nitrite down to 0 id problay give it a couple of weeks ar 0 before putting anything else in

[]I'm new to the forum, and new to marine aquariums! I got a TL450 from my brother and thought I would post my progress here as I have enjoyed readings other peoples experiences!
Basically I have had the tank running now for 5 days with about 5kg of live rock and live sand. I have some hitchhikers: so far 2 x turbo snails, 1 x Bumblebee snail 2(so far) x some sort of bristleworms and a crab of some sort I have failed to identify. It is about 1cm across, cream colored with red/brown blotches, hairy legs and blunt claws. Haven't decided what to do with him yet though!
My readings so far over the past 5 days are:
Nitrate: 0, 5, 5, 5, 5
Nitrite: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
pH: 8.4, 8.2, 8.6, 8.6, 8.6 (last 3 days readings from late evening, maybe that is why they are higher?)
Alkalinity (meq/L): - , -, 2.8, -, 3.4
Ammonia (Toxic ppm): 0, 0.022, 0, 0, 0.04
Specific Gravity: 1.023, 1.023, 1.023, 1.024, 1.023
Temp: 26c every day
I am a bit concerned about the ammonia. I haven't see my bumblebee in a while and I wonder if the little fella died and that is why the ammonia is a bit up.
Will be doing first water change in a few days so maybe that will help.
Planning on getting another 2kg of live rock and adding maybe two hermit crabs and another 2 snails to CUC. Then thinking of a pair of clowns when things settle right down. Also might add 1 or two soft corals in the future.
What do you think?
PS: Will add some pics when my switchover to a new ISP is complete (right now stuck with no broadband and posting this via my iPhone)