BettaMomma said:
Just so I understand correctly - I am the root of a lot of the problem here, is that correct?
What you do is good. Helping is good. Getting aggravated and actually taking the iniciative, time, and effort to find ways at resovling the issue is good. (in regards to your walmart venture)
You do all those things. You seem to be very passionate about fish, which is good.
What is bad are these people who follow what you do, from thread to thread and website to website, and then blow it out of proportion. These people who take your good work and turn it into somethign ugly.
That is why I referenced PETA. They started off good. Helping animals that needed a voice. But now, oh now, look at them. They have gone off the deep end. For example, you have PETA people running up behind ladies wearing mink coats and spray painting how mature is that? What message does that send out? that it's ok to do wrong to the wrong doer's? What a farse.
These people that follow your threads and your doings and then make such brutal comments (whether serious or not..they still had the forethought to post such thoughts)..they totally unravel what you seem to be trying to accomplish.
If they will do you no good. Strong arming will accomplish nothing..except getting doors closed in your face before you've even been given a chance to speak your peace.
Take this for example:
You want this fish. It started off you trying to get this fish shipped to you from this breeder. That was good.
The breeder explained they could not ship live animals outside theri country without a license..which is true..that's why they have trans-shippers.
Then you proceeded to try and find a way around that..that was good.
Then within a few civil posts you've got people coming at the breeder telling them they are stupid, they are wrong, they should be shot, that they are lying about not being able to legally ship the fish out of the country to you..
Now, if you were this breeder...and you had been publicly humiliated and chastized in this nature...would you ship this fish to you now? Probably not.
When you hurt or make somoene that you are trying to get somethign from angry they are going to be less likey to work with you. Trying to strong arm this breeder into doing something was NOT the way to get anything accomplished.
You, BettaMomma, did not do this. From the posts I saw you were obviously bewildered and aggravated by the situation, but you were being's the OTHER people posting behind you that need to work on their communication skills. Most of us are adults here, and the ones who aren't are trying to act like they are, and should know these things. And should act accordingly.
What I'm basically saying is...people need to use their brains and think about what they are trying to say before they post /say it. They have "PREVIEW THIS POST" there for a's for more then just checking spelling.