one-eyed betta in the netherlands

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bettamomma, you aren't nuts. I think it's awesome that you are willing to do so much work to save on little boy thousands of miles away. I applaud you for that. I understand that she can't ship over here and things, but hopefully she will cooperate if you can find a way!! *Keeping my fingers crossed* ;)
wuvmybetta said:
BM~ it's going to cost $$$$ but I hope you get him.
Yeah, I'm afraid it is, and that's okay - I don't care.



Well, I've hit a complete brick wall.
I posted on aquabid to see if anyone knew of anyone that could help me.

I'll keep trying.
Poor little guy.
At least I know he's not going anywhere for a while.

There is a PETSMART sort of near me. They have an adult that is either missing 1 or both of his eyes. I didn't stick around long enough to see the other side.
Hmmmm... look what I just found....

From that page...

"I did some research and called the Dutch Customs and Fishery departement. They told me that you can import as much fish as you want considering the following:

-It is not allowed to ship endangered species; If endangered you need a permit.
-The not endangered species need a health certificate while transporting. If missing you risk a fine.

So these are the terms for importing fish. If you want to export fish you need to check the same only you will have to check if the species is endangered. If you wish to check this just check the website If you need info about a country there are relations contact addresses so you can get information from the Cites location in that country."

I will check into this first thing tomorrow.
I have been gone for 2 days and have 15 hungry fishes waiting on me right now :)
littlefishie said:
Perhaps she may see the defect as something interesting, and would consider breeding it herself. Just as a 'mini betta' could be a defect, but is being bred anyway.
Oooo honey, I know you just didn't! (J/K, I'm not actually upset, but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I read that :p )
I would never breed a debilitating defect. There's a huge difference between Mini, who is a perfectly formed (albeit small) betta and a betta who is missing body parts. There's a demand for cats bred to have twisted and deformed front legs so they have to hop around like kangaroos, but that doesn't make it A-ok to breed them. When something like that shows up at random, though, I think it's very kind to offer it a good home... as long as you never breed it. Ever. :)

Anyway, I agree with Wuv. Maybe I'm just a horrible mean ol' cynic, but I think that sometimes you just have to face reality. Many breeders cull fish. Fish that have a deformity/disability are usually first on that list. That's just the way it is, and I don't think anyone should be demonized for this perceived horror. Rather, I think those that don't cull should be the ones we recognise and praise for their kind hearts :)
Cats and dogs get "culled" too -- think of animal shelters. It would be great if every animal out there could have a loving home and everything was just sunshine and rainbows, but that isn't humanly possible and I think we should celebrate those who are willing to offer their help to animals in need rather than pounding our fists against the masses who quite simply can not.

*Ahem* Back on topic, I hope you can find a way to get the fish, BettaMomma! It's great of you to fight this hard for the little guy and it would be wonderful if he's lucky enough to have you as an owner and friend :nod:
People who breed fish cull all the time. They feed the unwanted fry to their other fish, fertilize their lawns (as mentioned by Wuv) and just euthanize and flush. Are you people going to campaign and save every last one of them?

No? So what makes this one fish any more special then say 50 perfectly healthy fry that are going to be food for someone's Oscar because their coloring isn't desirable? Nothing does.

This is the way it goes in the animal world. They have more offspring then we do..there is NO possible way to find homes for every animal that is produced. It's just not feasibly possible. And it makes more sense to cull the fish then to have it sit around in a bowl somewhere uncared for waiting to die (even if it's's still just gonna sit around in a bowl somewhere...if they have too many and no place for them to go).

Which is why SO many people shouldn't just "breed" because they want too. I see SO many people (here and other boards) breeding fish that have no reason to..other then "they have a pretty fish and want more like it"..and then they don't get it and they keep trying...and end up...with hundreds of unwanted fish. And do you know what happens to these fish? THEY CULL THEM. But they don't say anything about it...because they don't want the bandwagon to jump on them. Peresonally..I think there should be a law passed where to breed ANY type animal you should have to pay for a permit and file paperwork registering themselves yearly. That would reduce the vast amounts of breeders out there pumping unwanted animals into our world..just "because they want to breed". This would cut down on the over-population of all types of Pet-type included. But it's NEVER going to would be "unconstitutional" and take away "rights".

I think this "bandwagon" group mentality that alot fo you guys have adopted as of sickening. You people are starting to sound like PETA. And seriously..I wouldn't want that to be what I seemed like. Because NO ONE takes PETA seriously anymore..because they are all a bunch of spastic idots who do and say things without thinking, as a group instead of as individuals, because one person in the group says it's wrong and the rest go ants coming out of an ant bed.

I'm sorry...these are animals. And when people start saying things like "this lady should be shot" about other people for doing something that they don't agree really makes me stop and wonder what the human race is coming to sometimes. With that mentality...killing isn't wrong anymore..if YOU can justify it, right? Is a Fish's life now worth more then a human life? That you would consider killing a human being over a fish? :no: Statements like that take a valid argument and throw it out the's worth garbage after comments like that.

It's one thing to be passionate and dedicated to a cause...and another to be single-minded and obsessed.

Having your own opinion and voicing it is one thing...but this thread (and several predecessors to it) reminds me of the movie Frankenstein....where the townspeople chased him into the castle and set it on fire.

/off rant :dunno:
SRC said:
It's one thing to be passionate and dedicated to a cause...and another to be single-minded and obsessed.
Okay, seriously - it feels like I've been building up to this whole blow up for several weeks now.

This might be a nail in my coffin as far as posting on this forum is concerned, but right now I could NOT care less.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick and tired of seeing people jump down others throats for their opinions here. That's what they are - OPINIONS. How is it okay that some people have no problem bashing folks who don't like a certain practice, but when one of us raises our voices to say we don't like it, WHAMMO - and I can't even BELIEVE how rude some of the comments are that come across this forum.

I have never commented either way about the subject of breeding - just thought I'd do the stand-up thing and stay out of it because of the way I feel AND the fact I know I would be raked over the coals for stating how I feel.., but the point might as well be known right now. I think it's an absolute sick waste and just outright disgusting that people take their pick of the litter, and discard the rest like they're little pieces of trash. THAT IS MY OPINION. In the case of the guy who throws his fish out in his front yard... I wonder if he has ever pondered what it must feel like to flop around in the grass frantically panicking to get a breath, then suffocate, then dry up, and then finally die. If you're perfectly okay with that - then that's YOUR OPINION. I am not going to call you names or belittle you - more power to ya. I still think it's disgusting.

And just for the record - I VERY HIGHLY commend breeders who don't kill their fish - VERY highly. There are several members on this forum who give them away, and even though I'm sure it would be MUCH easier to just discard them, they still go thru the hassle and bother of raising them until they can give them away. I VERY greatly respect that, and thank those breeders for their extra work and dedication.

Two additional things - I really REALLY REALLY don't like being called names, and I REALLY don't like the fact that I was just called obsessed. In a sense, yep - I am obsessed with making a better life for some poor unfortunate little souls - that may seem petty and ridiculous to some of you, but I don't really care. I'm going to keep right on doing it until, for some reason, I can't do it anymore - because quite frankly, this world is a big ol' dumping ground of bad things happening every single day, and this is one little thing I can do, enjoy doing, and WILL keep doing to make myself feel good about the world...

I am also quite disappointed that my thread where I simply posed the question about getting some help saving some little one-eyed fish from the wrath of death got COMPLETELY hijacked and turned into world war two and a half.

If you don't like what I do... and think i'm a complete nutcase for doing what I do, then keep it to yourself. I really don't give a crap. I don't toss around insults and name-calling to those who do things that I don't like, and I'd really like the same respect in return..

I'd appreciate it if this thread could get back on track so I can see if I can get this fish.
For the record I was not referring to you as obsessed BettaMomma..but yet the people who tend to agee with what you do (which is great btw..I'm not saying it isn't) but they totally blow what you do out of proportion (that was actually in regards to the "shooting the breeder" comment made by another poster) and cause arguments by stating ludacris comments.

People who act uncivil when fighting a cause...are in no way better then the cause they are trying to fight.

You are right..everyone has opinions, and shoudl be allowed to express them. That is not my beef is the way some people have been choosing to express those opinions, and when the way they choose to express them offend's time to take a step back, look at what you have been saying..and realize how it effects people's reaction to what you are trying to say. Old saying stand true "you can draw more fly's with honey then vinager".

Opinions should not offend...they are "supposed" to be for educational purposes....not tools to aide aggravation and/or aggression.
i think all people who have opinions about others should keep it to themselves, i know alot of people that are extremly quick to give others an earbashing even though theire situation isnt always perfect themselves,and they have proberbly made the same mistake once before

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