On The Edge

This looks very good, ian. I love nanos. Dying to set up mine again. Soon, very soon...

At first, I didn't love the rocks (thought they were too big), but they are growing on me. The snail is too cute, like a living dropchecker. :lol: Like Andy said, don't spot dose Excel on the poor guy!

Looking forward to seeing this fill out.

thanks llj, the rock's look ok in real life, i also needed something to try and cover the internal.
Cherry shrimp won't jump ship on their own unless the water is bad. The will sometimse cling to the water line to eat the surface scum :)

Liquid C is your choice Ian. 9W over a 3USG isn't so much. However see what happens.

Don't spot dose the snail though. lol


Reminds me of my Crystal Red Shrimp lol, bought some grade A's, very expensive, all of which jumped out of my 32litre climbed up and out via the filter cable and I found them on my kitchen side a few weeks later dried out, when I asked the dealer if they had any special requirements he said no, I later found out that they prefer a lower temperature so that's why they buggered off lol. :'(
LOL, this has inspired me to try this out too, hopefully in a few weeks I too will have a Nano Tank for my baby plecos, I will try to post a journal :D
BTW Is it a glass tank?
yes, its a glass tank. It was a bargain too, P@H have em in as 'my first tank' with filter (which i'm quite impressed with), the filter has a flow setting on it. Obviously the bottom half of the filter is covered with some tights. It doesn't come with a light though. A desk lamp would do though.
bad times...

i had problems a couple of weeks ago with a couple of shrimp passing over to shrimp heaven. Last week i lost about 6 shrimp in one day. I took the rest out and they are now in my main tank. I really don't know what it was. I took the substrate out as i feel this might have had something to do with it (washed well, but who knows). I have bought a 5 litre bag of Monando and used that. Took a hammer to the rocks and decieded to go more 'iwagumi'. I have used some of the Riccia that has grown, some HC cuba and java moss.

i will post more pics when the riccia grows out.

Don't wait for the plants to fill in! Can I see a pic of the rock formation? From there, it looks very promising.

Sorry about the shrimp. This a kitchen tank? Covered?
cheers llj, it has a cover that goes on when cooking, other than that the cover stays off. I'm gonna get some decent pics later when it's dark, the kitchen is south facing and its very sunny today, i'll take the filter and heater out as well. I have spent the last week studying Amanos Iwagumi layouts, and have moved the rocks all over! As mentioned in another thread earlier, i was reading a thread the other day on another forum and it got to page 21 and the op was still moving the rocks about! There is 5 rocks in there, as you can only see 4 in that pic.
cheers llj, it has a cover that goes on when cooking, other than that the cover stays off. I'm gonna get some decent pics later when it's dark, the kitchen is south facing and its very sunny today, i'll take the filter and heater out as well. I have spent the last week studying Amanos Iwagumi layouts, and have moved the rocks all over! As mentioned in another thread earlier, i was reading a thread the other day on another forum and it got to page 21 and the op was still moving the rocks about! There is 5 rocks in there, as you can only see 4 in that pic.

That is the problem with Iwagumi, it becomes all about the rocks! 21 pages is ridiculous... :rolleyes:

Still think it's something with the kitchen. You use Teflon pots and pans? When the kitchen is cleaned, is the tank covered? Sorry, never liked tanks in the kitchen, too many variables for my taste... But they look fabulous... Who wouldn't want to gaze at a fishtank while sipping a glass of wine while preparing dinner? Very relaxing to me. You also have a nice kitchen.
just for you llj, i got some more pics.




am quite pleased with it.
I have 2 nano's in my kitchen but both have lids with built in lights so they don't get opened unless its water change time, never had a problem but gotta say airation from surface ripples could be you problem with cleaning sprays or anything in the air from cooking, think about it how many times do you cook then the next morning you can sometmes smell what you cooked the day before??? I'm guessing its cos its still in the air in the kitchen.
the tank is always covered when cleaning and cooking. The old susbstrate was collected from a local lake. More fool me for using it.
As Llj said, kitchen tanks have too many variables so it could be any number of things and you'd be none the wiser.

Tank looks great though. If the riccie pearls i'd be interested to see if it slowly floats to the surface. I use dto talk to a guy from singapore and in one of his tanks his riccia used to pearl every afternoon and when it did the wood it was attatched to used to float 2" off its original place. Then sink again at night. Would be funny to see these small mesh nets rise and sink with pearling riccia on :p

I like the rockwork too
Thanks James, the riccia in my big tank pearls and looks loverly (C02 injection), i doubt this will pearl with easycarbo and 9w lighting, but we'll see.
You can always sit and hope, and maybe do a little twirl and see what happens :lol:

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