On The Edge


plant your tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Lincoln uk
I have wanted to start a nano tank for ages, i wanted to see if i could do it really cheap and make it look 'OK'. All i have spent is on the tank and 2 ninja shrimp. The tank was £12 from P@H and the shrimp was £4.

Tank- 13l P@H special

Lighting- 1 x 8 watt tube fitted as an under cupboard light.

Filtration- Internal free with tank, 300lph (stuffed with floss to slow flow)

Substrate- Courtesy of the great british coutryside (my local lake)

Hardscape- Rock given to me by LFS (free)

ferts- None (may use some Flourish if needed)

Plants- Pogostemon Helferi, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Eleocharis parvula.

Livestock- 2 x Ninja Shrimp, to be followed by Cherry's courtesy Supercoley

the tank

the substrate (well washed)


Hardscape in

top veiw

top veiw with plants

water in (still a bit cloudy)

nice reflection!

time for a cuppa

all done for a whopping £16! Still a bit cloudy, will post some better pics when settles and shimps aren't hiding.

any comments/critiques welcome.
Looking good, if you need any more cherries I've got well over 120 now lol.
I bought that tank as a hospital tank (brother now has it)


Anyways, looking good Ianho. Might show this my bro :hey:

I like how you've got the coffe nearly ready to go there :)

Gurantee if its a serius scape you'll get irritated by the internal. Mines a similar size to yours and I've been thinking about getting one of those little tanks too. Mine is home made from a window that was left in the garden when we moved in so it is quite scratched. lol

This is the externla option for a tank that size: Quite cheap. 200lph and I don't restrict the flow at all.

Looking good though. See ya Sunday.

That looks really good ianho, I really do like the small aquascapes, think they are realy effective. I love the rocks you have, and for free you cant argue with that!

Might have to see what my local P@H has to offer when i pick up the kitty litter next time...
thanks guys!

James, my sticker were all over my 2 year olds face after about 10 mins of buying the tank!

Andy, yes mate it is a serious scape and just wanted to see if i could do it as cheap as i could. That external is a right good find! Are you getting one? if so, order 2 and i'll give you the money for it (sad i know, but i don't have a ebay account).

Chris, it's worth getting a small tank, even if you keep it just for fry or hosital.

BTW forgot to add, the plants were all plantlets out of my big tank.
Did you use mature filter media and old tank water? Looks a cool idea and I may be tempted to give it a crack.
I think you've done a cracking job, it looks really good. The rocks are (strangely) really nice :good: :good:
That external is a right good find! Are you getting one? if so, order 2 and i'll give you the money for it (sad i know, but i don't have a ebay account).

I already have a Boyu one but the O ring broke. Its got PTFE tape in the groove sealing it at the mo whilst I wait for this new one to arrive. Already bought it I'm afraid.

We can sort out some money on Sunday and I'll get one for you if you want. There are some in UK but were slightly higher price and as you know I'm a tight wad so decided to risk the PTFE for 10 days. lol

Alternatively you can have the Boyu if you want. Just need to get an O ring.

20 ish cherry shrimp and a few MTS added, thanks Andy. BTW i owe you a Co-op bag mate! Looks more alive now.
Hahaha it's deffo alive now! *dog walked*
Nice tank Ian,

Where did you get the ninja shrimp from? I saw some on fishbay but the postage was a fair amount, really wanted them though!

Do you know much about them?
The ninjas were from Maidenhead Aquatics (Lincoln). I only know what i have read on the net about em. Its strange as i think they've changed into cherry shrimp, theres a cherry with white old looking horizontal stripes.

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