On A Lfs Mission

You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink.

I went to a local aquarium shop yesterday on my way home. I asked if they had any ammonia. The lady said no. I asked if she knew where I could buy pure ammonia locally so I could do a fishless cycle. She looked at me cross-eyed and went and got her husband/the owner. I asked him if he knew where I could get pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. He asked my "What for? Why do you want to do that?" I told him so i wouldn't hurt any fishies in the process of cycling my tank. He pointed out his zebra danios and said they would do the trick. I stood my ground on wanting to do fishless cycling... He then tried to tell me that hardy fish would be fine and tried to sell me 2 different kinds of bacteria in a bottle, a wet one called TLC and a dry one I didn't notice the name of. I told him I'd do some more reading online and make up my mind. I looked around his place, noticed several "holding tanks" with dead/dying fish in them...then I bought 10 ghost shrimp for $1 and left. I think I got a very good idea of how that place operates without pissing off anybody or getting myself banned.
You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink.

I went to a local aquarium shop yesterday on my way home. I asked if they had any ammonia. The lady said no. I asked if she knew where I could buy pure ammonia locally so I could do a fishless cycle. She looked at me cross-eyed and went and got her husband/the owner. I asked him if he knew where I could get pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. He asked my "What for? Why do you want to do that?" I told him so i wouldn't hurt any fishies in the process of cycling my tank. He pointed out his zebra danios and said they would do the trick. I stood my ground on wanting to do fishless cycling... He then tried to tell me that hardy fish would be fine and tried to sell me 2 different kinds of bacteria in a bottle, a wet one called TLC and a dry one I didn't notice the name of. I told him I'd do some more reading online and make up my mind. I looked around his place, noticed several "holding tanks" with dead/dying fish in them...then I bought 10 ghost shrimp for $1 and left. I think I got a very good idea of how that place operates without pissing off anybody or getting myself banned.

No, i think 5teady getting arrested would be a very noble thing to do. Sure be a little quieter around here :)
You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink.

I went to a local aquarium shop yesterday on my way home. I asked if they had any ammonia. The lady said no. I asked if she knew where I could buy pure ammonia locally so I could do a fishless cycle. She looked at me cross-eyed and went and got her husband/the owner. I asked him if he knew where I could get pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. He asked my "What for? Why do you want to do that?" I told him so i wouldn't hurt any fishies in the process of cycling my tank. He pointed out his zebra danios and said they would do the trick. I stood my ground on wanting to do fishless cycling... He then tried to tell me that hardy fish would be fine and tried to sell me 2 different kinds of bacteria in a bottle, a wet one called TLC and a dry one I didn't notice the name of. I told him I'd do some more reading online and make up my mind. I looked around his place, noticed several "holding tanks" with dead/dying fish in them...then I bought 10 ghost shrimp for $1 and left. I think I got a very good idea of how that place operates without pissing off anybody or getting myself banned.

I dont think i could get arrested for telling a fish store thier giving out bad advice lol, i left the store when told so that was fine lol.

I dont actually care if these stores ban me, the main ones i go to near me are ok and i get on with so any other store to me is pointless anyways lol
You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink.

I went to a local aquarium shop yesterday on my way home. I asked if they had any ammonia. The lady said no. I asked if she knew where I could buy pure ammonia locally so I could do a fishless cycle. She looked at me cross-eyed and went and got her husband/the owner. I asked him if he knew where I could get pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. He asked my "What for? Why do you want to do that?" I told him so i wouldn't hurt any fishies in the process of cycling my tank. He pointed out his zebra danios and said they would do the trick. I stood my ground on wanting to do fishless cycling... He then tried to tell me that hardy fish would be fine and tried to sell me 2 different kinds of bacteria in a bottle, a wet one called TLC and a dry one I didn't notice the name of. I told him I'd do some more reading online and make up my mind. I looked around his place, noticed several "holding tanks" with dead/dying fish in them...then I bought 10 ghost shrimp for $1 and left. I think I got a very good idea of how that place operates without pissing off anybody or getting myself banned.

I dont think i could get arrested for telling a fish store thier giving out bad advice lol, i left the store when told so that was fine lol.

I dont actually care if these stores ban me, the main ones i go to near me are ok and i get on with so any other store to me is pointless anyways lol

Normally I would agree with you but telling them they'll definitely hear from you in the future and that you'll be mailing them things is risky. We're in a time of anthrax in the mail and suicide bombers. What you're saying could definitely scare someone enough to call the cops on you. If you're as abrassive with cops as you seem to be with most other people (not smacktalking, just an observation) you'd be in trouble pretty quickly. I'm just trying to point out the weak spots in your method, so you can refine it and perhaps be more effective at what you're doing. :good:

Just ask for ammonia, then when they don't have it ask where you can buy pure ammonia for fishless cycling. Ask to speak to a manager when you get blank looks. Have a conversation with them instead of doing a 'sting'. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar so the saying goes. You may actually get a chance to educate them that way. People are close-minded when they feel threatened.

Good luck. And thanks for the idea, I'll be performing my own testing of local shops.
You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink.

I went to a local aquarium shop yesterday on my way home. I asked if they had any ammonia. The lady said no. I asked if she knew where I could buy pure ammonia locally so I could do a fishless cycle. She looked at me cross-eyed and went and got her husband/the owner. I asked him if he knew where I could get pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. He asked my "What for? Why do you want to do that?" I told him so i wouldn't hurt any fishies in the process of cycling my tank. He pointed out his zebra danios and said they would do the trick. I stood my ground on wanting to do fishless cycling... He then tried to tell me that hardy fish would be fine and tried to sell me 2 different kinds of bacteria in a bottle, a wet one called TLC and a dry one I didn't notice the name of. I told him I'd do some more reading online and make up my mind. I looked around his place, noticed several "holding tanks" with dead/dying fish in them...then I bought 10 ghost shrimp for $1 and left. I think I got a very good idea of how that place operates without pissing off anybody or getting myself banned.

I dont think i could get arrested for telling a fish store thier giving out bad advice lol, i left the store when told so that was fine lol.

I dont actually care if these stores ban me, the main ones i go to near me are ok and i get on with so any other store to me is pointless anyways lol

Normally I would agree with you but telling them they'll definitely hear from you in the future and that you'll be mailing them things is risky. We're in a time of anthrax in the mail and suicide bombers. What you're saying could definitely scare someone enough to call the cops on you. If you're as abrassive with cops as you seem to be with most other people (not smacktalking, just an observation) you'd be in trouble pretty quickly. I'm just trying to point out the weak spots in your method, so you can refine it and perhaps be more effective at what you're doing. :good:

Just ask for ammonia, then when they don't have it ask where you can buy pure ammonia for fishless cycling. Ask to speak to a manager when you get blank looks. Have a conversation with them instead of doing a 'sting'. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar so the saying goes. You may actually get a chance to educate them that way. People are close-minded when they feel threatened.

Good luck. And thanks for the idea, I'll be performing my own testing of local shops.

Telling them im mailing them info on better info aint arrest proof i think lol..

Im sure willing to try diffrent approcahes though :)
I dunno about over in the EU but in the US its pretty easy to get a press pass, especially since you have a special interest forum. Perhaps go around to the different stores and do actual legitimate interviews and reviews.
i do agree about the old adage you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

if you go in all guns blazing you'll just annoy people and they're most likely to throw away anything you send them without a second glance, or at best they'll all read it to have a good old laugh at you.

if you go in to talk to them nicely, don't pose as newbie or anything like that just go in and ask a few questions, start a discussion with them. Once you've gone in and had a few educated discussions with them and you've got some sort of relationship off the ground and they know that they can trust your advice and knowledge, just ask them about cycling and how they recommend it, don't force info on them but offer to print some stuff out to bring them.

there's a few lfs's around here who we've done this with and we've ended up mates with the lfs workers. they get better advice, if you're lucky you get a few freebies from the shop, everyone's a winner.

it's inevitable that there will be some shops and workers who'se mind you cannot change, work on changing the minds of the ones who you can, even if you get 1 shop in your area giving out better advice you'll be making a difference to the lives of the thousands of fish who pass through that shop.

seriously i think what you are doing is really commendable, i wish there were more people in the world prepared to put the time and effort in to make a difference. but i do think with a different approach while it has a lot less of an impact in terms of making an interesting thread for us all, would have a lot more impact in your ultimate goal of improving advice given out.

while were at it, there's a lot of people on this forum who will be happy to make a song and dance over the poor advice given out to some newbies. Tell you what if instead of putting a post up making a fuss over it, you hop into the new to the hobby forum and take some time to asnwer some of the questions people put to us daily that'll make more of a difference than just moaning as well. ;) sometimes feels like there's only a handful of us out of a massive forum who regularly go in there to help out the people struggling because of just this sort of advice that is upsetting you.
If I was a fish shop owner and you came in and spoke to me like that, I'd ram your face into the Pirahna tank.

I don't know what makes you feel that you've got the right to go and tell people how to their jobs properly. They're doing what's been done that goes back years, most of them just doing their job how they've been taught. Then some jumped up #### comes in and tricks them into giving so-called wrong advice.

I would seriously consider your tactics on this one, why not arrange to go in for a chat and explain it them and see if they'd be interested. They're not going to take any notice of you doing what you're doing.

If I was a fish shop owner and you came in and spoke to me like that, I'd ram your face into the Pirahna tank.

I don't know what makes you feel that you've got the right to go and tell people how to their jobs properly. They're doing what's been done that goes back years, most of them just doing their job how they've been taught. Then some jumped up #### comes in and tricks them into giving so-called wrong advice.

I would seriously consider your tactics on this one, why not arrange to go in for a chat and explain it them and see if they'd be interested. They're not going to take any notice of you doing what you're doing.



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