On A Lfs Mission

I also think its important to educate the general public, even if they dont keep fish: one day they might, or their kids might.

Most of them think its still ok to buy a goldfish and stick it in a bowl, straightaway. I thought this was the case before I got my fish, but fortunately I started to read up on it when I realised the huge array of equipment available. A lot of people cant be bothered to research though. They are the people who need to be informed somehow. All shops are out to make money and thats their motivation.

I suppose someone could make leaflets and have them as flyers at the point of sale available to people who just visit a pet shop, also people who visit a public aquarium. A series of newspaper articles would be helpful following that piece in the sun about the upside down fish.
I think this thread will be a good read, just seeing the vast range of advice offered to newbies will be interesting. It always winds me up that places say you can't add any fish to a new tank for 2 weeks; surely the filter in an empty tank is just as uncycled after 2 weeks as it is after 2 hours?

I agree with Alyson though, we can't lay all the blame at the LFS door. A lot of new aquarists just aren't interested when you start talking about nitrites and ammonia, and even less interested when you start talking about 4 weeks cycling filters before you can have fish. Some stores probably just say what they know people want to hear, because they know they'll just go and add fish anyway so they might as well make some money out of it.

I'm ashamed to admit I made all of these mistakes as a new fishkeeper, I just didn't have the patience and it didn't matter what the shop said to me. I lost some fish, learned the hard way and discovered fishless cycling; all of which gave me a much better understanding of the process anyway.
Sorry I rambled on a bit there :S
Hull pets and gardens.
beverly road

Me: hi, could i speak to a experienced person on the fish department please.

Shop: that would be me, how can i help you.

Me: I have just set up a new tank and was wondering when i could add fish

shop: is it tropical?

Me: yes, i added the water today.
shop: you will need to leave it standing for 2 weeks so the filter can mature, after that bring in your sample of tank water, we can then test it and if all is ok, you can buy some fish, best to get hardy ones.

Me: So will the tank just cycle on its own in the 2 weeks? dont i need to add anything?

shop, yes it will cycle, the filter will build up with the beneficial bacteria to brak down the waste your new fish will produce.

Me: i read that the nitrogen cant start unless i add ammonia or summat.

Shop: the nitrogen cycle will take its course through the 2 weeks of the tank being left, after this if your test show up good, we have a product called stress zyme, this will help boost the filter when you add the fish also.

Me: I see, im just not sure how the cycle will start though as there is nothing in the tank that will start the cycle off, i seem to understand that the way it works is fish waste has ammonia that bacteria breaks down to nitrite and then the nitrite to nitrate, is this correct or am i reading in to it to much?

Shop: The tank will cycle without fish, thats why you have to leave it standing for 2 weeks, like i say, if you get some stress zyme as well, this will boost the filter and help it rapidly, the nirtogen cycle does exist in the tank without fish so dont worry.

Me: ok thanks, i trust your word seems as you are very experienced, thanks for your time.

Shop: thanks for calling and good luck.

Me: thankyou, your leaflets on how to cycle a tank is in the post, please pass this on to your customers so they dont make the mistake going by the advice you have given me.

Shop: Excuse me?

Me: Your advice is very poor for a experinced fish keeper, you seem to have no idea on what your saying. I suggest you read up on fishless cycling as the advice your giving new customers to keeping fish is just sending fish to either death or harming them and the person you give this advice to is spending money on fish and will end up sitting there wondering why there fish are dying and ill.

Shop: Well if your so experienced why phone for info you alreasdy know

Me: to stop and try to help people like you from doing this more, like i say, your leaflet will be on its way to you, i suggest you take it seriously and read it, i will be looking further in to your future information and hope it improves, or i will be forced to take some action.

Shop: Well i have learnt what i know through info given by pet shops over the years, im just passing on what ive been told, but i will take the time to read it.

Me: Thanks i hope you do, thats the problem now a days, all these lfs giving out wrong info and that spreads like the plague and this is why so many people have problems with thier tanks, please do read it and also pass it on, i know its sounds stupid but maybe a few leaflets you give out will help to get the correct info passed around.

Shop: ok i will do and thanks for enlightening me on this.

Me: your welcome and have a good day.

Shop: You too (background noise - put the phone down on the tw@t)

Went in and asked, hi, im after some community fish.

Shop: right this way i will show you

Me: ok so could i have 5 platys? 4 male and 1 female if possible and 4 swordtails any sex please, i just set up and new tank today and want to breed some as i think they are lovely.

Shop: so you just set it up today?

Me; yes

Shop: This your first tank then?

Me: yes, been looking on the internet and some people seem to breed these easy, so i got a 18" tank and want to give it try.

Shop: Sounds lovely, let me just bag these up and you can check them to see if they are ok.

Me: great, could i have some of those as well (pointed at corys)

Shop: sure, any particular ones?

Me: any will do, 8 will be ok for now.

Shop ok no prblem...

5 mins later..

Me: then again you know, i think this may be too many for a 18" tank, looks like a lot of fish there, i think i will leave the corys.

Shop: ok thats not a problem.

Me: Are you a fish keeper yourself then?

Shop: no never had fish of this type, just goldfish.

Me: anyone else in here who has experience with these?

Shop: yes a copule of them

Me: can i speak to them please, dont mean to be rude but i just a few questions thats all

Shop: yes of course be right back.

Shop (new): hi how can i help..

Me: HI, i have 4 swordtails here, what looks to me like 3 female and 1 male... also 5 platys, 4 male and female.. im off to put these in a tank i just setup as i want to breed them, the tank is 18" with a undergravel filter, are these fish going to be ok in the tank?

Shop: i dont see why not, they are community fish so they should be fine.

Me: Ok well i just want to say this is the worste store i have visited yet, i have repeatidly told you both the tank is newly setup, yet to fail to tell me about cycling it or anything.

Also, your letting me take a ratio of 1 female to 4 male on the platys and 3 male to 1 female on the swords.. and was also going to let me take the corys, so not only is my tank overstocked, they are going to go through a cycle in the tank with high ammonia and nitrite spikes that if not kill them, will harm them.

Shop: Can i take a look at the fish? (takes bags off me)

Shop: now can you please leave the store

Me: yes ok, your leafets with all the correct info you need will be in the post asap, i will also be taking further action on this store.

Shop: just get out and dont come back

Me: Trust me, il be back (in a arnie voice sarcasticly)
Here are all the convos so far...

4 Pets, Outlet Garden Centre, 324 Hull Road Woodmansy HU17 ORU


Told i was new to the hobby...

asked: Could you please help me as ive just setup a new tank and was wondering when can i add fish.

Told: How long as it been setup

answer: 2 days.

told: well, you would be best to wait until the weekend, pop in and get some danios, about 5, leave them in the tank for about 1 week, then you can start adding more other fish that you would like.

asked: why is that, what will they do?

told: they will help your filter to mature, your tank will have to be cycled and the danios will help this happen as iff thier waste, the cycle can start.

asked: i see, so i guess that is what people refer to as a fishless cycle?

told: yes

asked: i read that doing that can harm the fish as it burns thier gills etc.

told: its the best way to do it though, well thats how i would do it.

asked: is there another way of doing it without fish?

told: yes but its not recomended.

asked: why?

told: because a fishless cycle is not the way forward.

asked: why do they selll products then? is it something to do with most of them dont work?

told: most of them are all the same, they all work, but it can take too long and not always effective as using danios.

asked: i read a article on the internet that says you can cycle using ammonia, a lot says that you can get it from homebase.

told: thats not true, that will harm your fish and make the water very bad, chemicals is not a way to go.

asked: but im not adding fish so it wont harm them will it? cant i use it just to cycle without no fish in.

told: Not really, ammonia is dangerous and should not be out in to a tank, your best bet is to come in and speak to someone in the fish department but i can assure you they will tell you the same.

Me: ok, thanks for our help, i will come in and see them...


pets paradise.

One guy runs the shop,

Asked, i have just setup my fish tank, how long before i can add fish, its tropical.

reply: when you add the water to the tank, you need to leave it standing for 2 weeks for the filter to mature, after that you can add fish.

asked: ok, is there anything else i need to do? like add anything to help the tank cycle?

reply: no, just let the water stand for 2 weeks with the filter running, after that, it should be fine.

asked: ok thanks, what fish do you recomend i get.

reply: well i would go for danios at first.

asked: why?

reply: they are very hardy fish and they will help the tank to mature faster.

asked: wont my tank be matured enough after the two weeks?

reply: yes but the danios will help it to mature more

asked: ok thanks, when can i get some guppies and platys?

reply: about 1 week after the danios.

me: ok thanks for your help.

Think i will send him a print off of the cycle thread on here.


Hull pets and gardens.
beverly road.

Me: hi, could i speak to a experienced person on the fish department please.

Shop: that would be me, how can i help you.

Me: I have just set up a new tank and was wondering when i could add fish

shop: is it tropical?

Me: yes, i added the water today.
shop: you will need to leave it standing for 2 weeks so the filter can mature, after that bring in your sample of tank water, we can then test it and if all is ok, you can buy some fish, best to get hardy ones.

Me: So will the tank just cycle on its own in the 2 weeks? dont i need to add anything?

shop, yes it will cycle, the filter will build up with the beneficial bacteria to brak down the waste your new fish will produce.

Me: i read that the nitrogen cant start unless i add ammonia or summat.

Shop: the nitrogen cycle will take its course through the 2 weeks of the tank being left, after this if your test show up good, we have a product called stress zyme, this will help boost the filter when you add the fish also.

Me: I see, im just not sure how the cycle will start though as there is nothing in the tank that will start the cycle off, i seem to understand that the way it works is fish waste has ammonia that bacteria breaks down to nitrite and then the nitrite to nitrate, is this correct or am i reading in to it to much?

Shop: The tank will cycle without fish, thats why you have to leave it standing for 2 weeks, like i say, if you get some stress zyme as well, this will boost the filter and help it rapidly, the nirtogen cycle does exist in the tank without fish so dont worry.

Me: ok thanks, i trust your word seems as you are very experienced, thanks for your time.

Shop: thanks for calling and good luck.

Me: thankyou, your leaflets on how to cycle a tank is in the post, please pass this on to your customers so they dont make the mistake going by the advice you have given me.

Shop: Excuse me?

Me: Your advice is very poor for a experinced fish keeper, you seem to have no idea on what your saying. I suggest you read up on fishless cycling as the advice your giving new customers to keeping fish is just sending fish to either death or harming them and the person you give this advice to is spending money on fish and will end up sitting there wondering why there fish are dying and ill.

Shop: Well if your so experienced why phone for info you alreasdy know

Me: to stop and try to help people like you from doing this more, like i say, your leaflet will be on its way to you, i suggest you take it seriously and read it, i will be looking further in to your future information and hope it improves, or i will be forced to take some action.

Shop: Well i have learnt what i know through info given by pet shops over the years, im just passing on what ive been told, but i will take the time to read it.

Me: Thanks i hope you do, thats the problem now a days, all these lfs giving out wrong info and that spreads like the plague and this is why so many people have problems with thier tanks, please do read it and also pass it on, i know its sounds stupid but maybe a few leaflets you give out will help to get the correct info passed around.

Shop: ok i will do and thanks for enlightening me on this.

Me: your welcome and have a good day.

Shop: You too (background noise - put the phone down on the tw@t)



Went in and asked, hi, im after some community fish.

Shop: right this way i will show you

Me: ok so could i have 5 platys? 4 male and 1 female if possible and 4 swordtails any sex please, i just set up and new tank today and want to breed some as i think they are lovely.

Shop: so you just set it up today?

Me; yes

Shop: This your first tank then?

Me: yes, been looking on the internet and some people seem to breed these easy, so i got a 18" tank and want to give it try.

Shop: Sounds lovely, let me just bag these up and you can check them to see if they are ok.

Me: great, could i have some of those as well (pointed at corys)

Shop: sure, any particular ones?

Me: any will do, 8 will be ok for now.

Shop ok no prblem...

5 mins later..

Me: then again you know, i think this may be too many for a 18" tank, looks like a lot of fish there, i think i will leave the corys.

Shop: ok thats not a problem.

Me: Are you a fish keeper yourself then?

Shop: no never had fish of this type, just goldfish.

Me: anyone else in here who has experience with these?

Shop: yes a copule of them

Me: can i speak to them please, dont mean to be rude but i just a few questions thats all

Shop: yes of course be right back.

Shop (new): hi how can i help..

Me: HI, i have 4 swordtails here, what looks to me like 3 female and 1 male... also 5 platys, 4 male and female.. im off to put these in a tank i just setup as i want to breed them, the tank is 18" with a undergravel filter, are these fish going to be ok in the tank?

Shop: i dont see why not, they are community fish so they should be fine.

Me: Ok well i just want to say this is the worste store i have visited yet, i have repeatidly told you both the tank is newly setup, yet to fail to tell me about cycling it or anything.

Also, your letting me take a ratio of 1 female to 4 male on the platys and 3 male to 1 female on the swords.. and was also going to let me take the corys, so not only is my tank overstocked, they are going to go through a cycle in the tank with high ammonia and nitrite spikes that if not kill them, will harm them.

Shop: Can i take a look at the fish? (takes bags off me)

Shop: now can you please leave the store

Me: yes ok, your leafets with all the correct info you need will be in the post asap, i will also be taking further action on this store.

Shop: just get out and dont come back

Me: Trust me, il be back (in a arnie voice sarcasticly)
i remember reading a pfk article when they did something like this, i think it was a stupidly low percentage of stores recomended fishless cycling. i must admit though i work in a lfs and i try and explain fishless cycling to them and sizes and alot dont have patience, dont want to know or are just rude and being a business still you cant refuse business, customer is always right blah blah!

o and your brave i cant imagine doing any of this! hopefully your sort a few of them out and others will benefit!
i remember reading a pfk article when they did something like this, i think it was a stupidly low percentage of stores recomended fishless cycling. i must admit though i work in a lfs and i try and explain fishless cycling to them and sizes and alot dont have patience, dont want to know or are just rude and being a business still you cant refuse business, customer is always right blah blah!

o and your brave i cant imagine doing any of this! hopefully your sort a few of them out and others will benefit!
The reason is obvious.
1) Most LFS don't carry ammonia.
2) Most LFS do carry danios or some other similarly hardy fish.
Tell someone to go buy some ammonia, fishless cycle and come back in one to two months and you make no money off them today or maybe ever. Sell them danios or platys or something similar and you make money today and maybe some on down the road.

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