I actually have one of these hybrid fish. Now don't all start shouting at me, i took him/her from a bad situation, it was actually a pet shop that had left it sitting in a corner gradually getting more and more covered in ick.
I told them i'd take him for free seeing as they'd left him to get so ill. I couldn't even really call it a pet store, more a pet stall, and i have reported the place to the people that need to know.
I've treated the little fella ( who is un naturally bright pink with black fins) and he's healed well and turned out to be a right cheeky chappy, he's now living with the blood parrot(who is a natural, or as natural as a blood parrot can be salmony /ornage colour) and getting on fine. He's grown a bit but i don't think he will grow any more, theres the odd sqabble but they get along with my neons, yes neon tetras, phantoms red and black, angels and cory, plus 2 powder blue gouramis.
Just because i have one of these fish does not under any circumstances mean i agree with how they dye them, by needle or dip, i am so totally against it.
What i'm trying to get across is, maybe the reason he was in the state he was in, and nobody had actually wanted to purchase him was because of people like yourselves making known the way these fish are so badly treated. So keep doing what you are doing, it's working, sales of jelly bean (i think they are called that) are dropping, i hardly ever see any in fish stores anymore, and thats fantastic, by making people aware of how they are dyed it's stopping sales of them, which hopefully will stop production of these fish, and maybe next year when there are new baby parrots, they won't go through the same pain their forebears have.