New Member
Hello everyone - I am indeed a newbie on this forum.
I am a fairly new, but very keen young adult aquarist. My parents always kept tropical fish when I was a kid, but as I've got older and into my twenties, myself and my partner have been buying tanks of our own!
We currently keep 2 Aquariums. 2 with 9 Axolotl's between them, 2 with coldwater fish, and 1 with tropical fish.
We have had the tanks for around 2 years now (acquiring some along the way, so we've had them a bit less...) and they seem to be very successful. I keep far too many to name, but I suppose I could name a few highlights. I have a beautiful crown-tail betta called Mr Crankypants. He is flame red with white tips to his finnage/tail. He's by far my favourite fish. He's so grumpy
We also seem to be able to breed Sailfin Mollies without trying - sometimes they end up squirting out around 80 fry every six weeks or so.... baby fish are so cute
I also have a gorgeous (and absolutely ma-hoos-ive!) white fantail called Nibbler... He seems to have out grown his tank mates by a ratio of 3:1 in about a year..... He is colossal!! compared to his tank mates!
I hope to offer what (very limited!) knowledge I have to anyone willing to listen. I am a user of many forums, so I'm sure you'll all find me very easy to get along with... occasionally opinionated, but then it wouldn't be a forum if no-one was, would it
However, I'm more than likely going to be the one needing your knowledge I have a lot to learn!