Well it's been a while since this was updated!
Since the last post, I have lost the yellow mushroom (just fell of it's stalk with little or no warning months ago) and have added another:
1 x Pocillopora damicornis - Was a bit worried about the lighting, but it's at the top of the tank and while is slightly darker than when I bought it, is doing well.
1 x Capnella - Grows like there is no tomorrow
1 x Euphillia paradivisa - Beautiful
1 x Ricordea
1 x Sarco toadstool, not 100% on the exact species
Am in the final stages of bidding on a sun coral and several ricordea.
Both the original mushrooms and the polyps have multiplied huge amounts, the polyps almost to pest status...
Still have the skunk cleaner shrimp, sixline wrasse and the percula clown, all doing well.
I added a Orange Spotted Goby + Pistol Shrimp combo. The Goby was fine but the shrimp disappeared into the rock work. Then, a few months later, I was doing some major changes to the rock work and had stored it temporartily in a big plastic tub. When I replaced everything in the tank, I found there was a pistol shrimp in the bottom of the tub! It was around half the size of the original one I bought, so I'm somewhat confused what happened... Do pistol shrimps carry fertilised eggs? Could it have grow from an egg on the original rock? Either way it's still in there, as elusive as the original, but very noisey and I regularly hear it clicking shortly after lights out.
I also started to spot multiple brittle stars poking out of the rocks, another hitch hiker from the original rock which took over 6 months to show itself!
I have added an additional 4kg / 9lbs of rock, split between the main tank and the sump, giving me a total of 17kg / 37.5lbs or 1.5lb or rock for every gallong of water in the main tank.
Current upgrade plans: (another night's stay in the big plastic hotel for the fish / coral)
Reworking the overflow to raise the constant level of the main tank. Currently this has to be controlled by a valve in the outlet to the sump which is both fiddly and potentially disasterous. All it needs is some perspex, silicone and new piping, all of which are ordered with a view to getting it done next weekend. This will also give me a chance to move the tank so I can get to the back and paint it, finally removing the crappy plastic backgroup which has refused to stick for about the last 5 months! I've also ordered a new pump (newjet1700) for the sump which should mean I can put more water through it per hour and reduce the output of the power heads in the main tank slightly.
Couple of question:
I'm going to be using the current pump to power a CO2 reactor for the FW tank. My plan is to leave it running in a mild bleach solution to make sure I get rid of any salty nasties. Do you think this will be sufficient?
I'm planning to add one more fish. Obviously something which won't be too big a strain on the bio-load like a bangai cardinal. Any suggestions?
Last but not least a pic I took earlier (camera is out of action, so camera was used
