Fish Gatherer
Good news:
Clown looks OK
Polyps are starting to open again
Bad news:
My floor is VERY damp.
I had something of a plumbing / electical malfunction last night. Not entirely sure of what happened in between me going to bed and me getting woken up by the guy that lives downstairs, but I think it went something like this...
Go to bed everything fine
Powercut (had a couple of insignificant ones recently)
Water starts flowing back throught the non return valve that has some debris collected in it and not closed
Water overflows into the unit that all the electicals are in and out onto the floor
Water builds up and seeps through into the flat below
Woken up and faced with a lounge full of water (3am)
My girlfriend (who was remarkably calm) and I mopped up all the water and I stayed up to try and salvage the tank. Luckily it was only half empty so the fish was OK and I was able to move the polyps down the rock and back into the water. I attempted to plugin the powerhead and gave myself an electric shock, but luckily I was very tired and it would take a LOT more than that to even wake me up fully at that time. (N.B. I'm happy to make light of this now, but have since bought a circuit breaker for the electicals and have been kicking myself all day for being such an idiot). The fused have been replaced this afternoon and now we have full power again.
I have fixed the valve for now, but will be re-plumbing the return pipe so the siphon breaks naturally rather than just blindly trusting it. Tank is nearly filled properly now although not enough to run the sump properly so I currently have a power head and the heater running in the main tank and just a heater in the sump.
To make matters worse I HAD to go into work this morning, so I was tired, pissed off, worried about the tank and not able to do anything about it until I got my work finished.
Clown looks OK
Polyps are starting to open again
Bad news:
My floor is VERY damp.

I had something of a plumbing / electical malfunction last night. Not entirely sure of what happened in between me going to bed and me getting woken up by the guy that lives downstairs, but I think it went something like this...
Go to bed everything fine
Powercut (had a couple of insignificant ones recently)
Water starts flowing back throught the non return valve that has some debris collected in it and not closed
Water overflows into the unit that all the electicals are in and out onto the floor
Water builds up and seeps through into the flat below
Woken up and faced with a lounge full of water (3am)
My girlfriend (who was remarkably calm) and I mopped up all the water and I stayed up to try and salvage the tank. Luckily it was only half empty so the fish was OK and I was able to move the polyps down the rock and back into the water. I attempted to plugin the powerhead and gave myself an electric shock, but luckily I was very tired and it would take a LOT more than that to even wake me up fully at that time. (N.B. I'm happy to make light of this now, but have since bought a circuit breaker for the electicals and have been kicking myself all day for being such an idiot). The fused have been replaced this afternoon and now we have full power again.
I have fixed the valve for now, but will be re-plumbing the return pipe so the siphon breaks naturally rather than just blindly trusting it. Tank is nearly filled properly now although not enough to run the sump properly so I currently have a power head and the heater running in the main tank and just a heater in the sump.
To make matters worse I HAD to go into work this morning, so I was tired, pissed off, worried about the tank and not able to do anything about it until I got my work finished.