Offered New Tank - Part 3

very nice plec! the thing i love about commons (this is a gibbi right?) is that ridged back looks very nice.
Yeah I think that looks like a stressed out Rainbow Cichlid. Both are cool fish. No way is that an Acara. They have MUCH more rounded heads. This guys is a bit pointy.
If you cant make Friday then and if Steve can collect sooner then I would say let them go to Steve. I would like whats best for the fish at the end of the day.
i can collect any night after 6pm :fun: :cool:

Hi, stevem, if you can rehome both that would be wonderfull, pm me and we can liase, I would however need you to send me pics when they are in their new homes, so I can send them onto the lady I had them from. PS I hope you've got a bigggggg net :lol:
heres my salvini for comparasion

heres my salvini for comparasion


Owww wow, shame I can't keep him, but a fellow TFF stevem can give them both a good home and he's going to collect. I will hopefully be collecting the new/old tank in the next few days, can't wait, early chrimbo pressie.
Doh I am a twit I just remembered.. look down this thread at steve's post!
Doh I am a twit I just remembered.. look down this thread at steve's post!
:lol: I've just jotted down his number, I did also send him an e mail from his profile, so all bases covered I think. Maybe he is on his office xmas party :hyper: we don't get one here :sad:
I am sure he will be in touch as soon as he can.
I am sure he will be in touch as soon as he can.

Yes I'm sure too. Oh I didnt tell all about the disaster that befell one of My Bala's during the tank move. I moved all the plants and small stones and stupidly put the large bog wood into the plastic container, which then went in the fish from the 120 litre so we could move the tank from the lounge to the kitchen. I thought all had gone smoothly untill sunday morning, when looking at the tank, to see if all the fish had settled, only to see that one of the bala's eyes had gone cloudy and was sticking out, there was an obvious wound where the bs had caught it. I don't know why I was so stupid and put the bog wood in the container in the first place, it would have been fine left out. Anyway's I went do-lally and found some anti-bac med and put it in the tank. I really thought he was going to loose the eye. Here is a pic, not sure if you can see it clearly, I was using somebody elses camera.
Bala shark 1.jpg

Anyway, by later on the cloudyness had cleared alittle, but was still large. Two days later I'm pleased to say the eye has gone completely back to normal. Thank god he had only just nicked it. Disaster averted. He is now back to his beautiful self
tyson and psycho are doing well they look great in there new home, how do i get pics up on here its doing my head in lol :crazy:
tyson and psycho are doing well they look great in there new home, how do i get pics up on here its doing my head in lol :crazy:

I had the same problem, lots of faffing about and re-sizeing untill it worked. I'm sure there's somebody on here who can advise, I'm a numpty when it comes to computors. By the way, dead jealous of your Tank, makes mine seem humble.

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