Welcome pilotsmoe.
You are in a fish-in cycle and will need to do a water change based on your ammonia readings. We try to always keep both nitrites and ammonia at less than 0.25 ppm during a fish-in cycle. For details, follow the link in my signature area. Saliferts and the API brand both do an adequate job of guiding your cycle so do not stress over the brand name. All nitrate tests are sensitive to adequate mixing of the test chemical and the sample. They tend to read too low if you do not get adequate mixing. For the API kit, double the recommended mixing time and your results should be very consistent, not too high.
The ammonia results are really of concern. At a value of 1.0 ppm, you have at least 4 times what you should have for a fish-in cycle. Do an immediate large water change of at least 75%. Mollies are not especially tolerant of bad water chemistry, so get right on that water change. Once you have done a 75% or larger water change, check your chemistry again. There is no problem draining a molly tank to only 1 cm deep water and refilling it with dechlorinated, temperature matched water. I have done it on many occasions with good results. The mollies always looked better after such a change.