Hi all
Ok here is my latest news, its been a while since i posted i know, but i can tell you everything i have been up to very quickly, i have been cleaning algae, mass's and mass's of green algae, believe me, this has been a bit of a testing time. I think my lack of water changing over the christmas and new year period has finally come back to bite me, i have had an algae bloom from hell.
The small patches of green hair algae has spread and is now covering almost every piece of rock in the tank, it surely can not get any worse. I have been lucky so far that it has not killed any of my coral, the pink coral i have (i still don't know its what its called) was almost conpletely engulfed in the stuff and i had to pick off the algae with my fingers, it has came out in the last couple of days but i think i have been lucky not to lose it. I have now added more Rowaphos to the cannister because i did take a phosphate reading that was a bit high, i put the whole 250ml pot in plus the stuff i put in a couple of months ago so i must have enough of that now and i have been doing a water change with RO every week for the last four weeks and still the stuff is relentless. I even took the extreme measure of scrubing it off with a soft toothbrush a few weeks ago, which worked pretty well and the tank was algae free, but only for one week.
I have found that if i keep the sand clean i can at least tolarate the algae for now, i have managed to keep that clean by sucking up the algae with a 50ml syringe when i do the water changes, i have to keep on top of this thou and it takes me hours to do.
On the plus side despite all this, the fish and coral are all doing very well and the water looks crystal clear although i am holding off buying any more coral until i get the problem sorted and will be buying more fish instead. I already have a new addition, a coral beauty, i have been keeping a close eye on him and it does not appear to be nipping at anything it should'nt , so thats good, it's a lovely fish to look at.
Here is the first pic, more to come. Welcome to algae city.
