Nix's 20 Gallon Nano

Ok, tested my water today, and everything is at 0 :)

So, I went to go buy my first inverts....and ended up getting a cheap fish while I was at it.

I got 5 blue legged hermits, and 5 Astraea Snails

Heres the biggest of the Hermits, I'm calling him Bruno:


Random hermit:


Can anyone clarify these are in fact Astraea? (Even though I might need to get a shot of the snail itself..not the shell)


And heres my mystery fish, I'm pretty sure it's a form of Chromis, but I'm not sure which kind, any ideas?



It was pretty sweet, he had been in the store at lease since October (thats how long the girl had been working there, maybe even longer), so I know hes healthy, but they basically wanted to get rid of him already, so I got him for practically nothing. I accumulated him for about an hour, and soon after he was already eating. :)
Very cool nix! I'm looking fowards to starting up my own Nano in the future. I will be sure to refer back to your thread and ask you for advice! ^_^
Hm, Ok so I think my fish may be a Violet damsel however I cannot find information for them anywhere... any help?
Ok, wow, I cannot find information about them anywhere....does anyone know annnnything about them? (are they aggressive, ext.)
Ok, wow, I cannot find information about them anywhere....does anyone know annnnything about them? (are they aggressive, ext.)

Hey Nick it's me again I am not sure if this will help you out or not but I was wandering around on the message boards and I found two threads on Damsels, they have a lot of info on Damsels but none specifically on Violet Damsels you should check it out if you haven't



I have heard that you shouldn't get Damsels unless that is all you are planning to have, or for larger tanks. I have also heard that certain Damsels are very docile but I don't know anything on the Violet specifically, I'm still waiting for information on them.
Hope it helps.
Nick, that fish does seem to be either a damsel or a chromis. Keep in mind both are in the same family, but i think chromis' are generally less aggressive. Hopefully this fish wouldn't mind sharing his tank with other fish. The care is probably the same as for any other damsel or chromis. Very hardy, treat it like a normal fish and it should thrive.

-I agree with ethan on his ID.
Heres a couple more pictures of my fish, he may also be a lyiertail chromis, and I'm told they act much like a Green Chromis.



Shes really quite amazing, constantly zooming around, zipping in and out of my rocks. I like em a lot. :)

I named it Shela by the way.
Haha Shela, original, I hope that she gets along well with others, I haven't heard of the lyiertail? I do have some new hopeful news you already knew that clownfish are part of the damsel family and they can be very docile and easy to get along with so hopefully your Shela will be too.

I took some more pictures today, I think these are some sort of polyp, maybe zoas? Can anyone help?



I've got a whole bunch of them, (dozens) many of which have not opened up yet, and if you have been reading this whole topic, they are the mysterious 'squishy' things I had earlier.

Also, while looking at one of the photos I noticed this red looking thing hanging from a rock.


Not sure what that is either.

And for kicks, heres some pictures of Sheila and Bruno




I think this is a better angle of the full tank shot too, (sorry about the glare)


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