Nix's 20 Gallon Nano

sorry to hear that..... well look into visi-therms and jager heaters if you dont want this to happen again, visi-therms and jagers last long plus most of the time instead of staying on they stay off.
Yeah, will keep that in mind. Thanks for the replies guys.

Well, today I went and got my first chunk of live rock for the 'second cycle' aka 'add life'.

I found this nice 7 pound rock, it's 100% purple (besides the underside), came with zoas on it (i think), some unknown coral that isn't opened all the way yet, and I just found a purple mushroom about the size of a dime. :D

Now for the bad news, thing has aiptasia. plenty of it actually. I've already smothered one that was bothering some of the possible zoas. I used some coral glue, seemed to have put him out pretty well. I got a nice big gob on his center area. So, my plan is to manually kill the big ones, probably with a different method. Then, buy some peppermint shrimp in the hopes they'll keep the small ones down.


What are the green ones?


Full tank shot as of now, new piece is on the right.

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