Newbie To Saltwater

So it's only really dangerous if I have a allergic reaction to something or if I have sea cucumbers? I thought it was some kind of algae or something... :blush:
So it's only really dangerous if I have a allergic reaction to something or if I have sea cucumbers? I thought it was some kind of algae or something... :blush:

Thats correct. Most sea cucumbers are fine, if you're concerned, just dont squish inverts with your fingers ;)
Alright. Could somebody give me an approximate cost for setting up a 55g tank, including LR, skimmer, Substrate, Clean up crew, fish, sump, refugium, powerheads, and anything I'm missing, but NOT corals? I realise this will be a very rough estimate, because good deals and rip offs are all over the place, and there's lots of different kinds of skimmers and powerheads and stuff, but just give me your best guess for an average setup.
I don't have corals but I got spooked when the guy at the LFS got stung whilst handling the liverock, so I bought aquarium gloves. Better safe than sorry I think. :good:
Lol. I'll wear like 3 pairs of gloves if I even go near the tank now. :blush: It creeps me out. But I reallllllly want to try saltwater. :nod:
I worried about that for a while too... But after digging around my LFS's LR tub I got over it. From my understanding most stings are just a ZAP!! Owie... From bristleworms anyways. The only thing you need to worry about is an allergic reaction imo.
Ive been "stung" by a Bristle Worm before. It was my fault because I picked up a frag plug, and it came out and crawled over my hand, without gloves on. I didnt have a reaction, I ran my hand under hot water whilst I removed the spines with tweasers and stickytape. Ive heard of bad reactions, ie. swelling of the area. but just make sure you are wearing gloves. :good:
Ive been "stung" by a Bristle Worm before. It was my fault because I picked up a frag plug, and it came out and crawled over my hand, without gloves on. I didnt have a reaction, I ran my hand under hot water whilst I removed the spines with tweasers and stickytape. Ive heard of bad reactions, ie. swelling of the area. but just make sure you are wearing gloves. :good:
YOU HAVE TO PULL THE SPINES OUT?!?! What's a frag plug?
A frag plug is a plug made from a concrete mix, either fine sand/aragonite or crushed coral/shell, fashoned into a shape that will hold a frag of coral on top, and still fit into your liverock. You could also use a Golf Tee, LR rubble, or something similar. IE: These Zoanthid Frags:


And yes, you have to remove the spines.

Here is a useful site for some more info on Bristle Worm stings: Bristleworms

This image was recently posted at by a Mickey57, and shows you exactly what they look like.

That's a little... unsettling. Thought of antoher question. Is it okay to put all of your live rock in at the same time?
And is it correct that for a 55g tank I would need about 80 pounds of live rock?
You would need about 55 pounds but 60 would be nice

The more the better but i would rather get like 55 of martial island then 90 of figi.
Marshel has more caves and life on it
Marshel just looks nicer

Its also about $6 a pound online Figi is only $2.99 online because of this i would buy less of it.
But wouldn't you still need more than that eventually?

Most reactions
