Newbie To Saltwater

If you set up with fish only you can get away with a very similar set up to a tropical tank, with 2 or 3 T8 tubes, plus powerheads and live rock,
This is a very easy way to do it, just stock with lots of live rock, and plenty of water movemet, But make sure when you get fish in there that the fish you buy are reef safe, that way a couple of months down the line you get some spare cash and can afford metal halide lighting then you can get corals with no fear of them being eaten....

and if your looking for cheap lighting we`ve just orderd This its not pretty but it`s cheap and will do the job well....
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So what's a cost estimate now?
I think about $200 in live rock
$300 RO system
$150 fish (maybe less... depends on fish, I guess)
$50?? Skimmer
$150 Stand
$150 Everything else
That still seems like a lot... $800.
thats not alot.

you can`t skimp on it mate if you cut corners they`l cut you back....
marine fish cost alot you don`t want them al getting killed off.

we priced up setting up a new tank a few months ago and we came up with a price of 800 pounds... and that wouldn`t be the ideal equipment we wanted

thats something like 1500-2000 dollars. at a very rough guess.
800 British pounds = 1 569.28 U.S. dollars

I guess I'll keep saving.
So what's a cost estimate now?
I think about $200 in live rock
$300 RO system
$150 fish (maybe less... depends on fish, I guess)
$50?? Skimmer
$150 Stand
$150 Everything else
That still seems like a lot... $800.

Whoa, $300 for an RO unit?!?!?!?!? Where are you buying that from? Even a brand new RO unit only costs $80-90 off ebay.
With LR and sand to setup the proper nitrogen cycle and a little help of a skimmer, with a 75 Gal. setup, how often do one have to change water and how much. Being a Discus man, I know the horror stories of how often one have to change water. Any feedback would be welcomed!
With LR and sand to setup the proper nitrogen cycle and a little help of a skimmer, with a 75 Gal. setup, how often do one have to change water and how much. Being a Discus man, I know the horror stories of how often one have to change water. Any feedback would be welcomed!
I have a 75gal tank, 50kg live rock,skimmer,uv,40x flow
i last did a water change 22nd may 2006.
With LR and sand to setup the proper nitrogen cycle and a little help of a skimmer, with a 75 Gal. setup, how often do one have to change water and how much. Being a Discus man, I know the horror stories of how often one have to change water. Any feedback would be welcomed!
I have a 75gal tank, 50kg live rock,skimmer,uv,40x flow
i last did a water change 22nd may 2006.
Thanks for the reply, that's great! :good:
Whoa, $300 for an RO unit?!?!?!?!? Where are you buying that from? Even a brand new RO unit only costs $80-90 off ebay.
Lol, yea I just looked again. Don't know where I got $300 from. :rolleyes:

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