I have a very new tank 38 gallon that I am beginning a fish-in cycle...I have 4 lemon tetras and several live plants. I have been using Seachem products.. I have put in Stability for the instructed number of days and my tetras have been in since Friday. I use Prime for my de-chlor. I also recently added Flourish excel, Flourish, and Flourish Iron. Ok my numbers.... Using Seachem test kits for Ammonia Free Ammonia 0 Total Ammonia 4 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 and my Ph is 6.2. I know that Free Ammonia is the bad stuff...thats zero. Is the total ammonia of 4 dangerous to my fish? or is it only dangerous if it is made up with some free ammonia? Also my ph is very low... I plan on doing a South American tank.. Should this be brought up? My LFS wants me to add Arm and Hammer Baking Soda at the rate of 1/4 tsp a day until its between 6.8-7.2 is this a good idea or will it keep boomeranging back?? Suprisingly enough my tap water is slightly alkaline about 7.2 and I guess with the addition of 3 medium sized pieces of Malaysian Driftwood...which I think is really bogwood probably dropped it but I can't imagine it would drop it that much. Any recommendations