New Weekly "off Topic" Topic No.17 (28/05/12)

My little brother who is 7 belives in santa, the tooth fairy and the easter bunny ( never heard of the sand man :blink: tho, maybe it could be because im in spain) so i have to join in by looking for easter eggs, writting christmast list, pretend its all real... Every time he losses a tooth hes so happy because he gets a euro. :lol: and every time he comes and says to me that someone in his class tells him santa isnt real i just say " well they wont get any presents from santa then " . :lol:
I don't know if the sandman is a German thing, I grew up there. So he might not be known in other countries. He is good though, gets the children to sleep :shifty:
My mother encouraged all sorts of fairy tales and imaginary beliefs when my sisters and I were kids. I encourage them with my children now! I "believed" in Santa until I moved out of my parents house, for my sisters sake and my mothers lol She insisted we all play our parts regardless of knowing the truth.

We will have Santa, the Easter bunny, and a boogie man in a tutu. :fun: My kids will play along with my antics and learn to have a huge imagination. It's no good to only teach kids to be smart, without imagination nothing new would ever be thought of.

That said. I do believe in honesty with my children on certain things. I am honest with them already about death especially with so many fish tanks. Fish have a short lifespan. So do our hamsters. I also plan to be very open and honest about the "birds and bees"

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