i agree with the 13th of november, because the day after is my 24th birthday :D

so u will all have to buy me somthin... dosnt have to be much.. u know.. a drink or somthin lol... :rolleyes:

oct isnt a good month for me... but november is :)

let me know yall :D
oh, you guys meet? is it open to all members? if you have one the week after new years i can come, im going to london that week(first time I'll be in Europe) :)
im not sure bout the 6th.... because it seems convienient for ppl (cept i have to take friday off or something if im going to sleep round my bfs mates that night) i hope i dont have to else ill lose my ema!

anyones welcome dragon ok... lets get through this meeting ok before we decide about nect year lol :D :p
-_- -_- -_-
All the meetings seemed to be based in England what about Scotland? I am in inverness.
OK this is what ive decided

Saturday 13th November 2004
In Birmingham
We will go to the sea life centre and maybe go to a pub or a cafe for a drink and have a walk around... how does that sound??

Oh yes and while we're on the subject if anyone from the US or canada is coming over for the new years we can meet up then so people can get flights if they wana go
13th November sounds good to me. Actually, no it's not. The 13th is a Thursday. I can't do weekdays :(
chishnfips said:
-_- -_- -_-
All the meetings seemed to be based in England what about Scotland? I am in inverness.
I have already covered that.

me yesterday said:
chishnfips said:
I live in Inverness, it all seems england orientated, what about us up here in scotland????????? -_- -_- :byebye: :byebye:
You are the only person living in Scotland to reply. It would make no sense for everyone from the South of England to treck up there. I am saying thaty as a Scot and it would be better for me but it's just not practical. That's why we were trying to make it as central (of the people replying) as possible.


It still applies IMO, also as far as I am aware there has only been one other meeting in the time I have been here. That was in London so I could not go but I am making an effort to go to this one. There just wasn't the demand to have it further north.

Do you think it would be better for us all to meet in Scotland even though it's only you and me who are anywhere near that far north?!
So is the meeting on Thursday the 13th or Saturday 15th?

Anyone know?
Aquascaper said:
Sun, what calendar are you looking at :rolleyes:

13th October is a Thursday
13th November is a Saturday

:X :rofl:

So it is!

Thanks ;)

Damn, does that mean CPWH have one over on me Aqua?

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