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So just to try and recap myself here its a 160 litre tank 100 x 40 x 40cm and you have 24 fish that are schoolers (I can't remember the species but I think they are Tetras?)

A couple of colourful fish that don't need the bigger numbers I can think of, a pair of Laetacaras might be a good choice - Dorsigera is a personal favourite. A subtle beauty but definitely there. Some of the Stiphodon Gobies feel like they could be a good contender, a group of 5 is usually advisable but they do get good colours. How about a small colourful Pleco or Whiptail? A Blue Panaque or a Flash Pleco could be good but I'd choose Red Lizard Whiptails as they are a more slender, less mess producing species. It would be an either or with a cichlid but some of the Badis and Dario species could be an option here - you could potentially keep a small group of these with an upper level Gourami, I'd probably look at Sparkling or Croaking Gourami.

I think I'd probably be looking at the Badis/Dario species with some Sparkling Gourami and the Red Lizard Whiptails - probably a trio of each species?


Put in your postcode then in the box below press the plus sign and choose your fish
I've just tried that and it says Bradford is the nearest for gouramis. But I know that's rubbish as the one in Stockton and the one in Stokesley both sell several species of gourami. It's just that the Bradford branch specialises in gouramis.
I've just tried that and it says Bradford is the nearest for gouramis. But I know that's rubbish as the one in Stockton and the one in Stokesley both sell several species of gourami. It's just that the Bradford branch specialises in gouramis.
Yes it was Bradford that came up for me the second time I did it. Its about 50 miles away :(
So just to try and recap myself here its a 160 litre tank 100 x 40 x 40cm and you have 24 fish that are schoolers (I can't remember the species but I think they are Tetras?)

A couple of colourful fish that don't need the bigger numbers I can think of, a pair of Laetacaras might be a good choice - Dorsigera is a personal favourite. A subtle beauty but definitely there. Some of the Stiphodon Gobies feel like they could be a good contender, a group of 5 is usually advisable but they do get good colours. How about a small colourful Pleco or Whiptail? A Blue Panaque or a Flash Pleco could be good but I'd choose Red Lizard Whiptails as they are a more slender, less mess producing species. It would be an either or with a cichlid but some of the Badis and Dario species could be an option here - you could potentially keep a small group of these with an upper level Gourami, I'd probably look at Sparkling or Croaking Gourami.

I think I'd probably be looking at the Badis/Dario species with some Sparkling Gourami and the Red Lizard Whiptails - probably a trio of each species?

Yes that is the correct size for the tank, the two breeds of 12 are rummie nose a cardinal tertra. I have very soft water. at i think 29PPM @Essjay

Ive just had a look on seriously fish -

Laetacaras - 18-268 ppm these would suit my water type. How many should you get? Males / Females?
Dorsigera - 18-266 ppm How many should you get? Males / Females?
Stiphodon - Really like the look of there, 36-215 ppm How many should you get? Males / Females?
Sparkling Gourami - Love these fish in general the gouramis but as all the above post iv been advised away from them (excluding honeys)
Badis - 54-268 ppm would this be to high PPM

- angel fish are my favourite - is there not a small breed i can put one or two in my tank with its 40cm height
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Sparkling gouramis would be OK. The ones to avoid are dwarfs (health issues) and any of the colours of three spot (aggressive fish) - that's blue, opaline, gold etc. And of course the large gouramis that would be too big for your tank.

Sparkling are small fish which won't attempt to kill your other fish. Honey gouramis are bigger than sparkling, but still quite small and won't attack the other fish. Larger still are pearl gouramis, they are also at the peaceful end of the gourami spectrum but are not brightly coloured. If you don't mind a larger fish with muted colours, they'd be OK as well.

Badis can be hard to feed, many will accept nothing but live food. And many shops only sell males.

Laetacara dorsigera (and L. curviceps) - not sure if they need to be a bonded pair or a group. Someone will know.

As it stands I have 24 fish I’m my tank
(of 2 breeds)

So what I wanted to avoid now was adding in another big group of the same fish.

I would like some corys BUT everyone is saying the NEED to be in larger numbers.

I’m looking for about another 3 or 4 breeds of colourful fish that are in groups of one or two

You are setting a difficult goal. Most fish suited to this size tank are going to be shoaling fish, and that means a decent number or they will not be in good health. As for the non-shoaling fish that might work, there will likely be issues with each species that need to be addressed.

I have never liked the term "centerpiece fish" because in small tanks it is next to impossible to find any, and even in larger tanks unless one has one or two fish and no more it can be problematic.

But, keep suggesting fish, members will provide you with the information needed to asses that species' suitableness.

Shoaling fish do need a decent number. We have scientific studies proving that when a shoaling fish is kept in too small a number, the fish have serious issues. Increased aggression, stress leading to all sorts of issues, and even a latency to feed. Numbers do matter.
Yes that is the correct size for the tank, the two breeds of 12 are rummie nose a cardinal tertra. I have very soft water. at i think 29PPM @Essjay

Ive just had a look on seriously fish -

Laetacaras - 18-268 ppm these would suit my water type. How many should you get? Males / Females?
Dorsigera - 18-266 ppm How many should you get? Males / Females?
Stiphodon - Really like the look of there, 36-215 ppm How many should you get? Males / Females?
Sparkling Gourami - Love these fish in general the gouramis but as all the above post iv been advised away from them (excluding honeys)
Badis - 54-268 ppm would this be to high PPM

- angel fish are my favourite - is there not a small breed i can put one or two in my tank with its 40cm height
Laetacara is a family of species so where you have split them I bet you've looked at Curviceps and Dorsigera - they are all pretty similar in care and will do well in your softer water - you also have the Araguaiae which is a stunning fish. Being close to Pier you will have the pick of all 3 :) But I'd just try and get a pair of one species, you may be able to keep 4 over all and see what you get in terms of genders I think the tank is just about big enough.

For the Stiphodons the common species in the UK are Atropurpeus and Semoni - genders don't matter too much but in a group of 5 try to get 1-2 males. There are a few other species you might find in somewhere like Pier though :)

Badis range in hardness a bit some come from clear chalk streams, some come from blackwater swamps and everything in between. I had a group of Black Tiger Badis a few years ago and they fed on Micropellets for me, just a really interesting little fish that is stunning when viewed up close.

Also just to echo Essjay on the Sparkling Gourami quite a different species to the other gourami much smaller and a differently shaped body but a beautiful sparkly little fish with good character.

Badis can be hard to feed, many will accept nothing but live food. And many shops only sell males.
This guy is special though he lives near Pier :) I've seen some really nice Badis on some recent trips and clearly see both genders.

Picked these up today :) One is female and does have the line down the middle (right pic) you just can’t see on this pic


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So I now have in the aquarium

12 Rummy Nose Tetras
12 Cardinal Tetras
2 Honey Gourami (1 male 1 female)
2 Agassiz Dwarf Cichlid

What’s next Saturday?!?!?
You deserve a nice run relaxing run now James, after all your efforts, but as we know it is never guaranteed. I wish it was guaranteed, that would make it an ideal hobby. I'm having issues in my tank now.

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