Thanks Wally for the thumbs up.
Thanks Kit for telling me, that would explain how when I wanted to buy some hardware here, I never heard back from Sam or George, will send email addy.
I got the willow moss from Greenline (the online plant shop) I got it in September just one portion for the five gallon so its grown an enormous amount. Most of the other plants my friend did get in Hong Kong.
Thanks Fishstick, it does have a prehistoric feel with the primitive non flowering plants the armoured shrimp look like something from long before the Jurassic.
Cheers for the compliment Firethief. Its very low maintenance, a 30% water change every two weeks is fine as the stocking is very low, I only put food in every other day as the shrimp are getting enough food from the tank. It’s got a big eheim filter suitable for tanks twice or more the size of this one, but the current is slowed by the shrimplet saving sponge on the inlet.
Havent done any pruning yet will soon need to, with the Taiwan and willow moss. The mosses are, Christmas, weeping, Singapore, Taiwan, string, peacock, flame, java and willow. There is one anubia nana and the lace plant and some (floating) frogbit. Narrow leaf java fern, bolbitis (sp)fern and a small sprig of pellia plus the three fissindens pictured earlier.
I like this pic, of a ghost swimming with the lace leaves blurred in the background.