New Tank

Mlawson is right, willow moss it is, a very easy plant and a fast grower, not much like other moss, has bigger leaves and almost woody stems. Here is a close up.

Kit I didnt get your P.M. I sent you one in answer to a question of yours on a thread of Moody's about CRS about two weeks ago I think you get that?

Sorry to hijack this thread :blush: I got your first pm and replied. Also sent another checking if you had received the first one. Looks like you are not receiving any of them. Don't know what's gone wrong :( Do you mind pm me your email address instead? Thanks.

I think Liam mentioned that a friend of his got the flame moss from Hong Kong (in the first post). But if you want to buy on eBay, then have a look at this seller


Wherever you buy it from, it's going to be extremely small portions though.

I was wondering where you got your willow moss? ( I can't find it on Ebay anywhere... )

Or fire moss...

Corin, the Aquatic magic site sells Flame moss and willow moss. I might be taking an order from there!

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This is a stunning tank. It looks like a peep back in time to a prehistoric landscape- very atmospheric and hazy. I like the way the greenery grows at every level but not obviously, like stem plants.
great job on your tank. looks really well to me. do you need to do much pruning? any chance of a plant list? also if you dont mind where do you buy your plants? .....dan
Thanks Wally for the thumbs up.

Thanks Kit for telling me, that would explain how when I wanted to buy some hardware here, I never heard back from Sam or George, will send email addy.

I got the willow moss from Greenline (the online plant shop) I got it in September just one portion for the five gallon so its grown an enormous amount. Most of the other plants my friend did get in Hong Kong.

Thanks Fishstick, it does have a prehistoric feel with the primitive non flowering plants the armoured shrimp look like something from long before the Jurassic.

Cheers for the compliment Firethief. Its very low maintenance, a 30% water change every two weeks is fine as the stocking is very low, I only put food in every other day as the shrimp are getting enough food from the tank. It’s got a big eheim filter suitable for tanks twice or more the size of this one, but the current is slowed by the shrimplet saving sponge on the inlet.

Havent done any pruning yet will soon need to, with the Taiwan and willow moss. The mosses are, Christmas, weeping, Singapore, Taiwan, string, peacock, flame, java and willow. There is one anubia nana and the lace plant and some (floating) frogbit. Narrow leaf java fern, bolbitis (sp)fern and a small sprig of pellia plus the three fissindens pictured earlier.

I like this pic, of a ghost swimming with the lace leaves blurred in the background.
I cannot emphasize enough how incredible your tank is.
The mosses are fantastic! I need to get some Willow moss from somewhere.

What method did you use to create your Willow moss wall? Did you start off with a full wall area with moss or does it grow to cover?


I used clippings form a five gallon I have, it grows fast and covers the wall a bit unevenly but still looks good. I used suction cups for most of it just attach the moss to the suction cup, I sewed them on to the cups, then the moss just grows up, on the bottom a bit of plant lead attached and left on the substrate is enough to keep longer branches in place. Use suction cups further up the wall. You could also use ‘moss ropes’ just knotting the moss on the twine attached to the glass with suction cups. Some bunches from a single stem have grown to over ten inches I use smaller bunches to fill in gaps. Hope that’s reasonably clear.
The moss doesn’t do too well in over 25C its better at 21 or 22C or even cooler.
Thanks! :D :good: So you didn't even use netting to create the moss wall?! That's amazing.

The moss doesn’t do too well in over 25C its better at 21 or 22C or even cooler.

Hmmm :/......... I was hoping to make a moss wall for my Dwarf Puffer tank which is a tat too warm I guess.

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