New Stuff - Pics

Ok so I got my aquaworld RO unit, cept i cant connect it to the flippin tap arghhhhh!!! Ive been trying for 45 minutes and I give up so now what the hell do i do!!!! :shout:
Well whilst we are on the protein skimmer subject i was thinking og getting a red sea prizm skimmer. good or not?
Personally I cannot fault either

Aquamedic or Deltec - 2 of the best manufacturers in the Marine Ind.

Aquamedic Biostar Flotor
Deltec Mce 600

2 cracking skimmers, Mce600 may be a bit overkill, but the Aquaflotor would be spot on :good: :good:

Prizm's - youd be as well float the cardboard box it comes in, in the tank IMO :sly:

Well anyways i think im about to murder the maker of this RO unit NOTHING F%^&%*&$% FITS WHERE ITS SUPPOSED TO ARGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

The tap connecter doesnt fit on any tap anywhere in the entire world by the looks of it, so i thought i try the piercing kit WTF!!! the instructions dont even tell you what to do and for the love of god i cannot see how the pipe and connector even fits on the the little piercing thing! :shout: :shout: :shout: :<
Yikes, wish I could help ya BOD, but I konw jack squat about brittish household fittings and whit you might or might not have. Perhaps you'll want to pm Matthew5664 cause he's a plumber mithinks and might be able to help ;) Good luck though man :good:
Please ignore the GREEN bath, we have only just bought this house & apparently someone liked it :crazy: :crazy:


Lol :D well after all that time i finally figured it out and now its up and running! They are so slow lol.....oh well im just going to have to wait...

my 25kg bucket of salt arrived today :) but wheres the rest!!! argh.....slow postal service!

Thanks but i used the piercing kit what a nightmare ! it started leaking so i had to turn the water off god the stopclock (sp lol) was hard to turn, i then i to take of the kit hoping water wouldnt come spurting out everywhere, add this little seal to where the pipe was leaking and then try and get the little needle back in the hole i just made otherwise that would just be a disaster with two hole spurting water everywhere lol!

Well i managed and no leaks thank god! :good:
haha tell me about delivery, i ordered a new tmc skimmer and the blind guy cant read fragile so he throughs it over a 6 foot gate! Wot a W****r! ohwell hes fired now as it was his last chance with the job :D, but still have to w8 another 5 days for it to come :(
hey can i ask howm uch yor unti cost? my lfs has the cheapest ro unti marked at 95$$ and im wondering if used would make a big difference cuz u might not know what your getting if u order it online
Im in the uk it was £49.99 which is less than $90 i think, its a 3 stage unit, and its pretty good for the money, its cheap i think because it only does 120 lpd, but thats enough for me seeing as I only have a 160l tank! :good: the nest one up was £75 i think the only difference was how many litres a day they do really.
But if you buy them online they tell you the specs anyways.
I had seen this ROunit in my lfs anyways.
On my new live rock I have this green, i can only describe it as a sort of bubble looking thing, I have fiji live rock, its only about 1.5cm in diameter what is it?

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