Thanks for all the input. I will try to shorten the light to 8-9 hrs a day but need to get timer. Tyler I have dripped everything in my tank and I am familiar w/ the method

. I will look into a Falcos Hawkfish, they are so cute, they are under-water chameleons

. The only time I've seen a jawfish fling sand would be at breeding clownfish while digging his burrow

. Check it out search jawfish vs. clownfish on youtube. Pistol shrimp more of pile the sand up. As for the depth on sand my sand is consistant around the tank at 2in. but sometimes it is 1in or even 4in deep. My petco has a very knowledgeable employee. He ran a aquarium in Texas once

. He even lets me in on special deals with coral that isn't even posted and I'm a kid

. He said that jawfish(well the one in the store) needed only 2in. of sand. He made a burrow for him and another goby and they lived very happy in a pretty small hole

So you're also saying I can put all those fish in if they're compatible. Do I have the room???