Picture update I was going to do but deleted, let's see if I can remember what I wrote

Look at what came today from Mr. UPS man....
Out of the box with moon Leds, nice quality but a little bright
Full power, makes the rest of the room dark, has about 5x as much light wattage as the room I was in
On tank, full power, no difference on camera with 1/2 power
Corals under the new lights, my $5 paly frag with now 7 heads!! One head is in the back
Sweet $5 GSP about 20-35 polyps, to lazy to count
These zoos are neon under the moon leds, need a pic soon of that, but, the polyps haven't been opening up much in the past several days and no new growth in a month, should I be concerned??
YWG new burrow
Porcelain right to the left of the YWG
Chiton, great $2.50 aglae eater that looks cool as well, his whole body is like a mouth, his path leaves cleanliness
Largest hermit, EBH, first critter in the tank, got him at 1/4" now his shell is 1"
Random Nassarius snail, so cool
Fire angel, doing well, filling up on copepods
Brittle star
Algae problem, smaller now
Blue moon LEDs at night
I had more pics to show but stupid photobucket deleted my pichers

, stupid photobucket
That's all for now