Thanks, as of now my salinity is 1.024 and I can say no ammonia or nitrites but will have to check on pH and nitrates. Normally they are 8.3-8.4 and 0 for nitrates. Cyano is going down now after my mom and the 12 hr photo period while I was on vacation and my dad over-feeding. I have about 400 gph in the tank but hope to fix it with a HOB skimmer, 500gph canister filter, maybe an AC 70 or 110 and 1 or 2 350gph powerheads. Enough???

The rock is in a low flow area but there is not much light so it is not spreading and with the help of nerites, astreas, and ceriths it is getting cleaner. Right now the only pretty big algae problem I have is brown film aglae on the glass but the snails have yet to find it so no biggy

. I have done maybe 3-4 WC since the start, of 10%,20% and 30%. All inhabitance are active and eating. The flame angel has com out more and is eating pods now so I know he's eating. He has also ate some bloodworms and brine shrimp so he's good. I have romaine in the tank for the CUC as well as the angel and just got some seaweed today for the future. After some more filtration and flow my next investment will be a RO/DI system.
P.S. My water temp is 80 so I set my heater to 76
P.P.S. I do my WC with a clear hose from home depot and a 5 gallon bucket, the old fashion way