><)))*> New Project: Juwel Vision 180 Planted Journal &#60

Thanks, bless him he asked "Can this be yours and my tank?  Can I help choose the fish with you?" 
I can ask him if he wants to be a "gravel washer for others, and his rates?", I think he would be up for it, but not sure if his mum would let him though

There is more to this story, and I will add to it later as the journey continues ;)  Now I need to get on with some things, but will then work on the rest of the pics for you all...
Looking good :D

I love how you have 'fish only' labelled on your washing bowl. I have that on my buckets too - not that my husband takes much notice :mad:
Thanks all of you for your support...
Shelster said:
...I love how you have 'fish only' labelled on your washing bowl. I have that on my buckets too - not that my husband takes much notice >
I was going to crop the image but I felt you would all appreciate it

Now the rest of the images from Sunday as promised ...
Time to wash the sand...

Nephew in action

Time for the Aqua-base

Laying the Aqua-base

Aqua-base finished

The gravel is ready and undergoing quality control check - I think ...

The gravel is finished on the top level



Front view with lights on

End View into corner
NB: for anyone planning a similar project, only use the top gravel at the edge so that you do not see the layers of pea gravel and orange media bags!
I am also planning to put a piece of slate, or similar, under the intake pipe to prevent gravel getting into the filters.

A different angle

So why did we not finish the front section?
Ran out of Aqua-Base!  It should have done the whole of the tank base, but I think with the media bags it took a bit more as some would have gone through them.
Questions for you all...
I picked up another Aqua-base on Monday, however, at this stage have not continued as I am thinking - dangerous I know...
1.a) Do I dry out the tank and put silicone in front of the Juwel Terrace to ensure no movement?
1.b) Do I leave the rocks etc in place to prevent it moving forward?  This would potentially mean that the rocks would just show above the gravel which could look rather neat potentially?
1.c) Is the terrace unlikely to move once the rest of the Aqua-base and sand is in place?
2. The tall root on the left is currently also holding the Juwel Terrace in place, not that it has attempted to shift as yet, just not sure when it is full of water - any ideas anyone if you think it will?
I wanted the tall root on the top right, but alas it will not fit there as planned.  Of course I may find a way later to make this happen.
3.a) The central piece is slightly broken i.e the hole on the bottom right, so I need to silicone this.  I was also wondering whether to fill in the hole at the top to prevent fish going inside here and potentially dying?
3.b) Fill the top hole with a plant such as an Anubias - or any other suggestions?
NB: the tall root came with the tank and the guy had Chiclids which loved to poke their heads out of this hole, I am at this stage not planning to fill this one in with silicone as I feel the hole is larger for fish to get out of - any thoughts welcome.
At one stage I was considering putting black gravel at the back and the Senegal (what I have selected) at the front.  However, this would not have been a good choice as my plans to have Venezuelan Black Corys (as well as Orange Lazers) would mean they would disappear on the black gravel.
4.a) So the final question, for now is, a recent idea I had, as to whether to put play sand at the front on top of the Aqua-base?
4.b) Continue with the Senegal sand?
NB: I may not keep all of the items in the tank, as once I start planting I may not want them all.  Feel free to tell me your favourites.
Thanks in advance for any assistance or ideas, hope you enjoy the pictures as this starts to take shape.
Oh, and my nephew got to play with the camera afterwards, here is one of his photos.

Wow that's all looking good! I have no design skills whatsoever so everything I have is put in haphazardly and I move it if I don't like it. I'm the same with flower- arranging - just plonk them in the vase and tweek! lol
I can't wait to see how it all looks when it's finished! Keep the pictures coming!
Thanks Mamashack, glad you like it...
I have decided re: this...
4.a) So the final question, for now is, a recent idea I had, as to whether to put play sand at the front on top of the Aqua-base?
4.b) Continue with the Senegal sand?
I am going to do 4.b) as play sand can compact so not as good for the plants.
Would still appreciate your feedback on the other questions - cheers :)
Hey RCA it's looking good so far, hope you're pleased?

Ok regards questions - I've been meaning to post a reply all day but have either had my phone on me which is awkward to do so, or have been entertaining little ones :D

1-c I'm not sure it will move much to be honest, as you will have a deep enough substrate for planting plants, therefore one would imagine that would hold?

2- from what I can see from the photos, the tall tree root is actually also pushing against the bow front, therefore you should be ok, I would imagine it will still hold.

3-b Anubias or java fern would look awesome.

I think you've decided on #4 now so great :)

In terms of decorations, well it's your tank, as long as you make it the way you like it is the most important thing - after all it's not often we get to take on these projects.
I however like the natural stuff like bogwood or pebbles etc - I now you had the decs with the tank, just thinking on available room when you have plants to add also, and you can never have enough plants :D
Shelster for taking the time to reply and answer my questions.
In terms of decorations, well it's your tank, as long as you make it the way you like it is the most important thing - after all it's not often we get to take on these projects.
I however like the natural stuff like bogwood or pebbles etc - I now you had the decs with the tank, just thinking on available room when you have plants to add also, and you can never have enough plants
Thanks re: the decorations and plants.  I too like the natural look and the tank in my signature depicts this with loads of different pieces of wood in there - cost me a mint.  I have already said to my nephew that all of the ornaments may not stay in the tank, as like you I want room for plants :)  Although, these are pretty good looking pieces, that will potentially look cool, as you say with Java Fern and Anubias all over them.  Once I come to fill the tank it will look different again, and when I have the plants in place I will know how much space I have potentially :) 
Exciting putting it all together and sharing it ;)  My nephew is away this week so I will have to wash my own gravel - Ha!
Looks like you're going to have a fun filled weekend then :D

Yes the tank in your sig looks great - I must update mine.
Told you this would be a slow project, as I have many living creatures that need my attention

Was hoping to work on it with my nephew on Tuesday night but alas he was tired after all his homework.
Last night I worked on a new project that was pending and will upload images etc., into a new topic later.
Anyway my reason for delay is the sand debate, and guess what, I have changed my mind and will be putting grey sand at the front of the terrace.  Off now to buy it!
  1. Can anyone tell me how you put the JBL Florabase under sand?  
  2. Does it need some netting or something to stop them from becoming mixed?  
  3. If so would normal net curtain material be OK?
Thanks in advance for any replies, see you later.
Hmmm, interesting that no-one has sent me any advice on the above...so done my own thing and hope it works, the journey continues.
Firstly this is the reason for the delay, my other project, along with other tank maintenance and grooming the cat etc.  Plus of course the reasons above, after waiting for his visit, a sleepy nephew.  Mind you he was not too sleepy to take some more lovely pictures.

So as you can see I have used Hessian to assist in preventing the Aqua Base coming up through the sand.
I now have a large bag of Unipac Black Sand, which I was advised would look grey in the tank.  I have used some in a smaller tank and I would say it is black!  I have also bought a couple of small bags of Unipac Silver Sand and am considering doing a sand mix, thereby matching the Senegal that is at the back.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?
A fun picture, if you look closely you will see Misty the cat stretched out on the mat, her image reflected in the glass.
Haven't any experience of using a soil substrate RCA - sorry I couldn't be of help!

Can't see any new pictures on the link - have you posted them yet? Or were you referring to the original ones? I'm easily confused! lol
Mamashack said:
Can't see any new pictures on the link - have you posted them yet? Or were you referring to the original ones? I'm easily confused! lol
I have updated the link in the original post to jump to the right place in the topic, so try again and see if you get them.  They were posted on the 2nd May and I believe you have already seen them ;)  Thanks for the heads up though, as going to the start of the topic could easily confuse 
Ah! Yes I'd seen them on 2nd and was looking for new pics since this morning's announcement.

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