New Marine Tank

doesnt say one that site what bulbs they are. I imagine that they are T8s with them being 18W though. So you would need new fittings. There would be nothign wrong with you keeping the T8's and adding a T5 or two though :good: You could use one of the T8s as a blue and then get some brighter Ts for white
In conclusion-

1.Rio 125 aquarium
2.2x interpret PHD2 power heads
3.Marine Glo T5 lights
4.20kg of live rock
5.Live sand
6.Tank comes with heater

5x blue legged hermit crabs
5x Scarlet reef hermit crabs
2x Emerld Methrax crabs
2x Cleaner shrimp
10x Nassarius Snails
3x Star snails
2x Peppermint shrimp

Pair of common clowns
Goby & Pistol shrimp
Royal Gramma Basslet
Bangai Cardinal Fish

Ricordea florida
Leathers and soft corals
Open Brain coral (Favites)
Fox Coral (Nemanzophyllia turbida)
Candy Cane (Caulastrea furcata)
Pineapple or Branched Cup coral (Blastomussa)
Yellow fiji leather coral
Colony polyps (palythoa)
Cauliflower Colt (claiella sp.)
Starburst polyp (Clavularia viridis)
Kenya Tree Coral (Capnella sp.)
Button Coral (Scolymia sp.)

(no all of these but just the ones that are avaidable at the time)

My Tank in a nutshell.

Although will be ready to start in Febuary - couple of months planning and you can't go wrong :good:

Thankyou everyone for your help it has been very errr helpful :good:

Kindest regards,

make sure you stock it very slowly. Read BigC's journal about goby and pistol pairs amy make you rethink. He spent £50 on a pair to find the shrimp wrecked his tank in a day. Needs a lid for that fire-fish too as they jump!
Live sand isnt needed imo, i think its a waste of money. The only true live sand comes frm an esablished tank. How can something survive sealed in a bag in all sorts of tempereatures and no oxygen/food for weeks or months at a time?
Yep of course I will stock slowly. No. 1 rule.

I see your point about live sand. I would prefer a sandy substrate would I use just normal silver sand? Do you know of a sand bed calculator so I can work out how much kgs of sand i will need. I have read Big C's journal and it did slightly put me off but I will see what happens :crazy:
aragonite or crushed coral sand. I have a similar sized tank and used about 10kg. Bought a 20kg bag of crushed coral as it was on offer though
I reckon you will get a bag or crushed coral or normal arogonite sand for less than a tenner at your LFS
Well ok, I heard that they are fine in a longish tank with lots of rock mand hiding places.

Is it possibe if someone could check my method for starting up the tank because I am still pretty unsure...

1. Put in all hardware in my case - powerheads, heater, lights,
2. Add sunstrate to tank
3. Fill with tap water and dechlorinate it and add salt when in there? Very unsure and I don't really want to use RO water. But it might be possible for the first tank load, you can get it from the LFS can't you?
4. When live rock arrives build up the aquascape.
5. Leave to mature and ride of NN&A.

Is this ok?

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