New Large Tank

K, here is probaly my final stock list as of now:

1x Asian Arowana (I want a red Arowana, but I dunno what the species is)

1x Armored Bichir
1x Ornate Bichir
1x Endlicheri Bichir

1x Fire Eel

1x Black Ghost Knife

2x Leopoldi Stingray
2x Motorole Stingray (Marble)

1x Tigrinus Catfish
1x False Zebra Shovelnose (Brachyplatystoma Juruense)

Now, the question is, in which order should i put them at? And at what size should I purcahse them.

Thx, for all the help so far. :D
if money is no problem i would go with 2 leopoldi and a tig for sure.
i wouldnt start adding expensive fish like a asian aro,rays or a tig until the tank is well established.
When you say well established, wat do u mean??
And what filter should I go for?
I know i'll need 2 powerful filters.
The Asian arowana species name is Scleropages formosus. Remember that Asian arowana's are illegal to own within the united states so if you are US based you wont be able to buy one.

The Black ghost knife and armoured bichir are too small to house with the other tankmates, at some point they will get eaten.

If you are buying 2 rays make sure they are both female, if you end up with a male/female pair the male could overly harrass the female to the point where she becomes ill or dies. Mixed sex groups are better in 2 female 1 male ratios.
Leopoldis are now illegal to import from the wild so if you are keeping these you should make an effort to breed them, when the captive bred stocks run out there will be no more.

If you are buying a tigrinus buy the biggest one you can find and afford (remember that a 4" fish is likely to cost 300 dollars/pounds), small tigrinus under a foot long are very sensative and die very easily, larger specimins are a bit more stable.
Ye, ill go for a large specimen if i get a tigirnus. I guess ill drop the asian arowana, and go with black arowana. A black ghost knife would rly be small enough to get eataen?? w0w never knew that. So i guess ill drop the knife fish aswell :X
Then maybe i can go with 2 female: 1 male with the rays.
Any other intresting fish which maybe I can keep since im not gonna keep the knife fish nor the armored bichir.
And i can keep the endhelzi and the ornate right?

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