New-born Baby Ferrets

Also, you'd need to get a pair rather than a single animal because they are very social and need the company of their own kind no matter how much attention you give them.
I started to make a ferret website a while back, but I didn't get around to completing all of the sections. Most of the information is there though. It's in case anyone wants to take a look!
Well aren't those just adorable.

I like them, but I don't like to hold them lol. I had a bad experience with one once and now I guess I'm a little afraid it will happen again...but that doesn't stop me from petting and cooing over them though. I like the pic of them all wadded up asleep at 2 precious.

I too had never seen a young one..only the ones they have at the pet store..and I'm guessing those are full grown.
Ah crap...what a dangerous thread... I'm on my way out the door to visit with the ferrets at the petshop.. hah This is how it always starts... Just going to "look." Thank goodness I have no money right now :D
So cute and adorable.
Haha it's probably as well since you'd need to set up their housing and make preparations well in advance of actually getting the animals :rolleyes:
timmystood - here is the thread with piccies of my own ferrets, in case you're interested!
Personally I can never get enough of ferrets and would love to see more pictures if you have any :nod:.
I think she meant there were none to visit with, not that there weren't any for her to buy. (and I do believe she was being a tad facetious as well) ;)
My ferrets eat cat food. ANd they love it. I use to try to get them to eat the ferret food all the time and they wouldnt touch it, They would steal the cats bowl so I just finally gave in...
My ferrets eat cat food. ANd they love it. I use to try to get them to eat the ferret food all the time and they wouldnt touch it, They would steal the cats bowl so I just finally gave in...

Ferrets Shouldn't eat JUST cat food really. Once every two days maybe. or if you run out of ferret food then use cat food but they should eat ferret food with some other suppliments as treats.
We feed ours two different types of ferret food mixed with cat biscuits. Also, in the morning they have raw egg mixed with milk and water (as a treat) and in the afternoon they will have either cooked chicken, ham or beef (varies from day to day). This offers them a staple diet of ferret food and cat biscuits and also provides them with egg and meat daily as a treat.
Also, there are vitamin and coat suppliments called FerretVite and FerretTone avaible (from my online shop, click here).
Rach your pictures are georgeous! I love that silver mitt (Muddle) - v.cute!
I'll add some more ferret pictures later on today! :rolleyes:
Here's some more pictures of some of the rescue ferrets.

This is an ALBINO - called so because of its pink eyes and white fur.


This is a SANDY - called so because of its sandy colour. This one is called Morgan and likes hiding from the camera!


This is a polecat (UK) or sable (USA) - it shouldn't be confused with the wild polecat which is a WILD animal - ferrets will not survive in the wild.


There are many other colours avaliable but these three are the most common. Hope you enjoy looking at these pics!
Below is a few more cutie pics!



I think she meant there were none to visit with, not that there weren't any for her to buy. (and I do believe she was being a tad facetious as well) ;)

Righto! I was just going to play, not to buy. I never buy an animal on impulse, without lots of planning ahead of time. That would be totally selfish and irresponsible of me.

But I can go and play with them on impulse, no harm done there. (Especially if there are none there to play with! But there was a cute little hedgehog and a sugar glider that I got to oogle, because they were both asleep. :wub: )
Those ferrets are adorable! The newly added pics are great too but nothing ever compares to the cuteess of young'uns. :)

I'd imagine they are really fun pets. Do you keep yours in groups or seperatly and play with them a lot?

I was considering getting guinea pigs next year but after looking at the link in your sig I think I may have changed my mind!

You mention on the site to ask for more information. Do you have a caresheet you could email me or post up here for me to have a nose at? I would goggle it but you obviously a well informed ferret keeper and who best to ask ;)

Hi consp.
There will be a caresheet added to the website farily soon (most likely next weekend) - i'll let you know when it's on.
Ferrets are social creatures and so need to be in at least groups of 2. However, they also need lots of attention from humans too.
Ferrets are fantastic pets but just make sure you do loads of research and get some for the right reasons first.
Any questions just ask! :thumbs:

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