New Aquarist Needing Advice!

Oh that's better!! Do a MASSIVE water change (90-95%) and keep checking your ammonia and nitrite levels for a couple more days and if they're stable at zero, you're good to go!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!
Massive water change done yesterday. Levels sitting at

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40

Get my fish tomorrow. Looking at zebra danios, neon tetras and tow pearl gouramis!

Thanks for everyone's help and assistance!

Over 1200 views and 150 replies? Not bad for a first post ;)
Are those results 12hrs after adding ammonia?
Don't forget to check your water tests daily once you've added the fish just to make sure the bacteria are coping. Do 50% water change if either ammonia or nitrIte show any positive result (anything that isn't 0ppm basically). If test results stay negative for a week you can probably get away with weekly water change to refresh the water and replace the minerals and electrolytes that will gradually become depleted.
Let us know what you get and how you get on.
Hey! Added five zebra danios today. Want to start small.

Ammonia is 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

Big change from yesterday! Any ideas?
Yes do a water change pronto - if ammonia is 0.25 now it can only get higher with fish doing their stuff in there and that is very toxic to fish . Do a water change every time ammonia or nitrItes show +ve which might mean daily or more frequent water changes
Nitrates result must be a false low - it can only be lowered by a water change or live aquarium plants.
As I mentioned before the nitrAte bottle no.2 needs to be well shaken immediately before use.
Just to update you. I've now got five zebra danios, ten neon tetras, two honey gouramis and two coreydiras. So far so good.!!
Hi folks! Need some advice!

I've got ten zebra danios, ten neon tetras, two dwarf gouramis and two small corydoras. Is this overstocked for 60l?

The reason I ask is that my ammonia levels have been rising. Also one of my dwarf gouramis doesn't look to good, he swims around in a daze, gasps for air and his tentacles are stuck out in front of him.

I've been water changing as necessary and haven't lost any fish yet but I don't want to encounter issues now.
Does no one wish to talk to me? He seems to have improved last few days due to carrying a massive 85% water change
Hi Jay
I am no expert but you have added a lot of fish very quickly so you ammonia levels will have risen, the bacteria will not have been able to cope with so many fish at once. It sounds repetitive but keep testing your levels and changing the water.
Hope things get better .
The thing with a fishless cycle is that you are supposed to be able to fully stock in one hit, but I'm not 100% certain that it was done completely correctly - once you had removed the ammo-lock, I think it should have taken another 3-4 weeks to fully cycle. The Nitrite munchers in particular take a while to establish. So I think TnT is kinda right, without realising it.
But I do think you are rather overstocked for a 60l tank, yes, and that may have overloaded whatever bacteria you had there.
Keep testing daily, and changing water if you see +ve results for ammonia or nitrite.
Thanks folks! Yeah my readings were good prior to adding fish but I think I've overloaded slightly. I might remove five of the danios.

I'm still checking the water daily and will continue to change if required. I've had the tank a good six/seven weeks though and had hoped it would have fully and completely cycled by now!!

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