OK I've been off with a bad back for some time but there has been progress.
First was the new sump. Was using the "rubbermaid" style sump but good old flee bay came up with a 98p offer I could not refuse.
Troble was as you can see the tanks too big for the stand. So have to give it a bit of 'jigery pokery' and make it fit
Second the rock is curing niceley, algea bloom as expected.
Littel mod to the skimmer to up the water level in the chamber.
After 30 seconds
Yum yum! fish poo!!!!
Next was the reading of some of the hobbys more chemical litritur and I've got myself 1Kgs of
If anyone can tell me what I'm using it for I'lkl be well imperssed!
Last is nthe RO game . we will start with a pic you tell me where the RO was and then where it is now.
Got it yet?
yep! you found it took my missis 7 days!!!
Thats it I'm afraid. Me and the missis have 'number two' on the way so might not get round to finishing the tank at this location, however the missis knows that the new house has to have a grage off the loung/living room for a 'hole in the wall' tank.
Watch this space