N1z> they have been Joe juiced and kalkwasser'ed to the point of extinction however for every one you kill there will be one or two you done because the needle of the syringe went in to far or thought the Aptasis. This will cause the Aptasia to break down and settle around the tank spreding the problem further. I am now going to cure the new rock and replace the old stuff. I might kill the old stuff and re-cure it or I might just throw it away. (27Kgs @ 11squids a KG) it's allot the throw!
Danno> Thanks mate, girlfriend don’t like it much but I said se can choose the fish for the liver rock curing tank when all the curing done. This has kept her sweet.
Ski> I had about 5 peppermint shrimps but after placing then in the tank I haven’t seen them since! It's been about 6 weeks and I have given up with them. So of the members of my reef club have got some Berghia verrucicornis or the Aptasia eating Nudibranch. But they have had mixed results. As for the screws you've got it!